Thursday, December 1, 2011

APPENDIX 3 - The Provincialship of Fray Alonso Gonzalez - Care and Direction of the Nuns - The Book of the Foundations

                 APPENDIX    III
               The Provincialship 
          of Fray Alonso Gonzalez     
     Care and Direction of the Nuns 
        The Book of the Foundations
              of S. Teresa of Jesus 
   of the Order of our Lady of Carmel  

        APPENDIX    III 
    The General 
     to Fray Alonso Gonzalez
        provincial of  Castille. 
Nothing pertaining to our office 
   should be neglected by us, 
particularly in matters concerning the 
   guardianship and protection of our nuns, 
   to whom it is necessary very frequently 
   to offer consolation and assistance, 
      partly by the sacred ministry 
          of the sacraments, 
      partly by whatever else is conducive 
         to the perfection of the conventual life, 
  so that by means of spiritual exhortations,
     the spiritual wickedness, 
          suggested by the old serpent, 
  may be driven off 
           or at least for a time neutralized. 
In order that all this 
    may be duly carried out,
we command you,
    Reverend Master Alonso Gonzalez, 
          who on account of your merits 
            are the provincial 
          of our province of Castille, 

  - to take great care of our nuns,
      professing the primitive rule, 
      both of convents 
           already founded 
           as of others to be founded hereafter; 
  - to watch over them 
          as their superior, 
     in virtue of these present letters,
        emanating from our generalship
  - to govern, rule, order and direct them, 
     not, indeed,
        according to your likes and dislikes, 
     not after the lines 
        of the mitigated rule, 
     but as already has been said 
        after the directions of the primitive rule 
        according to our constitutions 
        which were drawn up in harmony 
               with the said rule. 
We grant you this faculty and authority 
   not because you are provincial, 
   but inasmuch as you are 
     our own special commissionary 
   chosen and commissioned by us 
     to this end. 
You shall continue to 
   fill this office 
   enjoy this authority 
   we shall make some other arrangement;
    so long as you are not deprived of  it 
           by ourselves, 
     even after the expiration 
           of your provincialship, 
     no one may deprive you thereof. 
should anyone, 
          of lesser dignity than ourselves, 
   attempt directly or indirectly 
          to molest you on account of it, 
 we hereby declare him 
    - deprived of seat and voice in chapter 
    - altogether unfit for the offices 
            of the Order, 
should he not withdraw
    from his presumption 
 we strike him, as rebel, 
    with the sword of excommunication. 
We command to all the nuns,
       professing the first rule 
       (as far as they are subject to us),
   to pay you, 
            in virtue of the Holy Ghost, 
      that obedience 
            which they have solemnly vowed 
               to God 
               to the Superiors of the Order, 
     from which they cannot withdraw  
     without incurring the judgment of God, 
we oblige them to render you 
     such obedience 
           not less promptly 
           than if we ourselves were present.
    — In testimony 
         whereof, etc. 
     Given in Rome in our monastery 
            of Santa Maria 
     Traspontina, this 15th day of May 1569

           Foot Notes:
  The provincialship of 
           Fray Alonso Gonzalez
  expired 23rd September 1570, 
  when Fray Angel de Salazar 
          succeeded him. 

                   End of  
             Appendix III
                    of the 
          Book of the Foundations
             of S. Teresa of Jesus 
  of the Order of our Lady of Carmel