Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Book of the Foundations - Discussion of Chapter 30 - St. Teresa of Avila - Teresa of Jesus

       The Book of the Foundations
              of S. Teresa of Jesus 
     of the Order of our Lady of Carmel 
      Discussion of Chapter 30 

        Chapter 30       Contents
 The Foundation Of The Monastery 
     Of The Most Holy Trinity 
         In Soria, 
         In The Year 1581. 
  The First Mass Said 
     On the Feast of Our Father, S. Eliseus 
  1. Don Alonso Velasquez. — 
  2. The Saint consents to found in Soria. — 
  3. Story of the foundress of Soria. — 
  4. Preparations for the journey. — 
  5. Nicholas of Jesus-Mary. — 
  6. The journey. — 
  7.  The arrival. — 
  8. The Saint takes possession. — 
  9. Infirmity of the bishop. — 
10. His meritorious life.— 
11. The real founder of Soria. — 
12. Pedro de Ribera. — 
13. Hardships on the road. —
14. The Saint's hopes of the monastery. —
      Discussion of Chapter 30 
    The account of the foundation 
           of  the Most Holy Trinity 
                 in Soria  
         Envisioning a Foundation at Soria
         The Arrangements and Preparations
        The Foundation  of the Most Holy Trinity 
                  at Soria 

                 Saturday, June 3, 1581
             On the Feast of Our Father, S. Eliseus 
             The Cross on the Carmelite Shield
            Sister Beatriz of Christ

The Monastery of the Most Holy Trinity
   at Soria  near the church

(The former mansion of Dona Beatrix )


 The Church 

[The above  Drawing is from: 
"St Teresa of Jesus of the Order
     of Our Lady of Mt Carmel
   embracing The Life , Relations, 
    Maxims, and Foundations"
Edited by John J. Burke, C.S.P.
from  ]
      Discussion of Chapter 30 
  The account of the foundation 
           of  the Most Holy Trinity 
                 in Soria  

  ▀  Envisioning a Foundation at Soria

      ▪ "The   foundress...
          Dona Beatrix de Veamonte and Navarre
              (of Soria) 
              ...was exceedingly wealthy, 
              and for some time past 
              had resolved to found 
                 a monastery of nuns. 
              She spoke of it to the Bishop, 
                 ( Don Alonso Velasquez.     
                   Bishop of  Osma )
              and he told her 
                 of the Order of our Lady,
                 the barefooted Carmelites. 
                     [ Foundations: Ch.30: # 3 ]
             "and it was he, 
                (Bishop Don Alonso Velasquez)            
               who put it 
                     into the heart of that lady 
                to make the foundation"
                          [ Foundations: Ch.30: # 11 ]
             She was so pleased 
              that she made great haste 
                 to carry out her purpose."
                 [ Foundations: Ch.30: # 3 ]
        ▪   Bishop of  Osma,
                Don Alonso Velasquez
             Later , in the text, St. Teresa states
              that the Bishop
                   was also a founder 
              of the Monastery at Soria
                   by his donation of the Church
               and his advocation for the Order:  
             "Though he did not endow us 
                   he gave us the church, 
                  [ Foundations: Ch.30: # 11 ]
             "that people may know 
                  who it was 
               that really began 
                    the foundation of
                    the Most Holy Trinity 
                        in Soria"   
                       [ Foundations: Ch.30: # 11 ]
      ▪ Bishop Don Alonso Velasquez
             then wrote to St. Teresa:
            "When I was in Palencia...  
               I received a letter from 
                 Dr. Velasquez,  Bishop of  Osma"
                        [ Foundations: Ch.30: # 1 ]
            "The letter was written by him in Soria, 
                where he then was. 
              He told me
                -  that a lady...
                       had spoken to him about 
                    founding a monastery of our nuns
                       of which he approved; 
                - that he had promised her 
                      he would persuade me to go 
                   and make a foundation there"
                           [ Foundations: Ch.30: # 2 ]
       ▪ St. Teresa's response
                "I was very glad...
                 it would be a good work 
                       to make a foundation there, 
                 I wished to make known to him 
                       certain matters 
                  relating to the state of my soul...        
                      [ Foundations: Ch.30: # 2 ]

   The Arrangements and Preparations
          The House
              Dona Beatrix "had in Soria 
                   an excellent house, 
                       well built and 
                        in a very good situation, 
              and said 
              that she would give it to us, 
                    with everything else 
              that might be wanted for the foundation. 
              She gave it, 
                  together with a sum of money..."
                       [ Foundations: Ch.30: # 3 ]
           The Church 
             "The Bishop undertook to give 
                  a very fine church 
                  with a stone roof;
              it was the parish church close by, 
              which would have been useful 
                  with a gallery leading into it. 
             He might very well give it, 
                 - it was poor, 
                 - there were many churches in the town, 
                 - he could assign the parish 
                        to another church".
                   [ Foundations: Ch.30: # 3 ]
              "He gave me an account  of all this 
                   in his letter".
                    [ Foundations: Ch.30: # 3 ]
              "Though he did not endow us 
                   he gave us the church, 
                  [ Foundations: Ch.30: # 11 ]
           The Authorization
              "I discussed the whole matter 
                   with the father provincial, 
               who...decided that I was to 
                    write by a special messenger 
                    say they might come for me, 
                 for the foundation of Palencia 
                     was now made" 
                         [ Foundations: Ch.30: # 3 ]
        Assigning Nuns for the Convent at Soria
              "I began to collect the nuns ,
                   I was to take with me: 
               they were seven...
               with one lay sister, my companion,  
                and myself".
                           [ Foundations: Ch.30: # 4 ]

              "From Salamanca 
                  the Saint sent for 
                      Mary of Christ and 
                      Mary of  Jesus; 
               from Segovia
                      Juana Bautista and 
                      Mary of S. Joseph; 
              from Medina, 
                      Catherine of Christ
                           who was to be prioress,
                      Catherine of the Holy Ghost, 
                      Maria Bautista, a lay sister"
                              [ Foundations: Ch.30:  
                                              Foot note #4 ]
            ▪  St. Teresa and the Nuns were also 
                 accompanied by two friars,
                while two Chaplains came from Soria
                  to assist them:
                 "I would bring with me 
                    two barefooted friars, 
                 I took the Father 
                   Fray Nicholas of Jesus Maria"    
                      (  Nicholas Doria )          
                              [ Foundations: Ch.30: # 4 ]

                "He, then, 
                    with a companion, a lay brother,  
                  went with us."
                             [ Foundations: Ch.30: # 6 ]

                "Fray Eliseus of the Mother of God"
                             [ Foundations: Ch.30:  
                                              Foot note #8]
                Dona Beatriz sent her chaplain; 
                 the Bishop of Osma sent his also, 
                    with a man to provide for them 
                             on the road; 
                 while the bishop of Palencia sent 
                       a minor canon of  his church, 
                  afterwards the canon, Pedro de Ribera"          
                      [ Foundations: Ch.30:  
                                 Foot note #4 ]
     The Journey to  and arrival at Soria
         ▪ Wednesday May 31, 1581
            "We arrived at Burgo (Burgo de Osma)  
                   the day before the octave
                   of  Corpus Christi"
                     [ Foundations: Ch.30:  #7 ]
              "since Corpus Christi in 1581 
                         fell on 25th May, 
               ( the day before the octave woud be)
                   on Wednesday  31st May."
                           [ Foundations: Ch.30: 
                                      Foot note  #14 ]
          ▪ Thursday June 1, 1581
              "and went to Communion on Thursday, 
                    which was the day of the octave...
                           [ Foundations: Ch.30:  #7 ]
              "They spent the Thursday at that place 
                             [ Foundations: Ch.30: 
                                       Foot note  #14 ]
         ▪ Friday, June 2, 1581
               "The next morning we heard mass there, 
                 and reached Soria 
                     about five in the afternoon."
                             [ Foundations: Ch.30:  #7 ]

              "and continued the journey on Friday
                    arriving at Soria towards evening. 
                           [ Foundations: Ch.30: 
                                       Foot note  #14 ]

         "The Saint takes possession"

              "The lady the foundress was waiting for us 
                    at the door of her own house, 
                 for it was there the monastery 
                   was to be founded : 
                            [ Foundations: Ch.30:  #8 ]

  The Foundation  of the Most Holy Trinity 
                  at Soria 
         ▪ Saturday, June 3, 1581
            "and forthwith the next day, 
             the feast of our Father S. Eliseus
                  Mass was said. 
                             [ Foundations: Ch.30:  #8 ]
            "On that day 
              the first mass was said 
                    with great solemnity, 
              a large congregation being present 
                     in the church. 
              A Father of the Society  preached, 
                 the Bishop having gone to Burgo"
                           [ Foundations: Ch.30:  #9 ]

             "The preacher was Father Francis Carrera"
                           [ Foundations: Ch.30: 
                                        Foot note  #15 ]
               "The monasteries of the nuns 
                  were these...
                     "15. Soria
                         3 June, 1581
                   ( Foundations:. ch. xxx. 8. )"
                           [ Foundations: Introduction]
                " 'and on the very next day 
                  which was that of our father S. Eliseus
                  the first Mass was said.' 
                 That would lead us to 
                     Saturday  3rd June..."                  
                           [ Foundations: Ch.30: 
                               Foot note  #14 ]
                     (Foot note #14of  Chapter 30's also
                       discusses possible alternate dates
                       and explanations of the dates.)
                "The lady had  a very large 
                    and very fine room made ready, 
                 wherein mass was to be said 
                    for the present, 
                 because a passage had to be made 
                     in the church 
                 which the bishop was to give us, 
                             [ Foundations: Ch.30:  #8 ]
                 The lady most abundantly 
                      furnished everything 
                  that we had need of, 
                  left us in that room, 
                     wherein we kept ourselves enclosed 
                   until the passage was made, 
                      remaining there till the Transfiguration.   
                              [ Foundations: Ch.30:  #8 ]
                  "...the passage leading into the church 
                          was made, 
                   everything necessary for our enclosure 
                            [ Foundations: Ch.30:  #12 ]   
                 "Pedro de Ribera...
                      a minor canon of Palencia, 
                   had been a very great help
                      in the making of the passage 
                      into the church"
                          [ Foundations: Ch.30:  #12 ]   

         Two nuns receive the Carmeite habit:
                "August 6th. 
                  On the feast of the Assumption following,
                  the Saint gave the habit to two novices"
                         [ Foundations: Ch.30:
                                 Foot note # 14 ]

     The Cross on the Carmelite Emblem

     "Impression of the seal 
             of Fr Jerome Gratian,
             first Provincial of the Reformed Rule
       placed upon the Act of Foundation
            of the Convent of Soria"

      "Probably the first time 
        that the cross appeared emblazoned 
                on the Order of Carmel 
        was on the Act of Foundation at Soria".

        ["St Teresa of Jesus of the Order
               of Our Lady of Mt Carmel
           Embracing The Life, Relations, 
              Maxims, and Foundations":
           Note 24 
           Edited by John J. Burke, C.S.P.

         Sister Beatriz of Christ,
                "Dona Beatriz, some years later 
                  helped to found another monastery 
                        in Pamplona. 
                  In that house 
                   she took the habit herself 
                    as Beatriz of Christ
                   and died there, 
                        full of years and good deeds, 
                    in 1602"
                          [ Foundations: Ch.30:  
                                         Foot note #3]    

            End of  the Discussion 
                   of Chapter 30 
                         of the 
            Book of the Foundations
                of S. Teresa of Jesus 
  of the Order of our Lady of Carmel