Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Book of the Foundations - Chapter 29 - St. Teresa of Avila - Teresa of Jesus

      The Book of the Foundations
              of S. Teresa of Jesus 
 of the Order of our Lady of Carmel  
          CHAPTER 29      XXIX

Chapter 29          Contents
  Treats Of  The Foundation 
      Of S. Joseph 
      Of Our Lady Of La Calle 

       In Palencia, 

  On The Feast Of King David, 
       In The Year 1580 
   1. The Saint unwilling 
         to undertake the new foundation. — 
   2. She is discouraged. — 
   3. And in trouble about it. — 
   4. She consults Father  Ripalda. — 
   5. Discouragement. — 
   6. But is encouraged by our Lord.  — 
   7. And begins the foundation. — 
   8. Takes possession. — 
   9. And makes the foundation. — 
 10. She seeks a house for the nuns. — 
 11. Is shown one. — 
 12. Which she disapproves of — 
 13. And treats for the purchase 
          of others. — 
 14. Device of Satan. — 
 15. Effect of the divine locution. — 
 16. The Saint refers to her confessor. — 
 17. She reveals the locution 
            to the canon. — 
 18. The Saint's joy in the new house. — 
 19, Special providence of God. — 
 20. The houses are bought. — 
 21. By the two canons. — 
 22. Fruits of the monastery. — 
 23. The Saint takes possession 
          of the new house. — 
 24. The reform established. — 
 25. Joy of the Saint 
           at the separation from 
          the Fathers of the Mitigation. — 
 26. Danger of slight relaxation.

              J. H. S. 
1. The Saint   unwilling 
      to undertake the new foundation.  
When I came away 
from making the foundation 
     of  Villanueva de la Jara                         [1] 
I was ordered by my superior                    [2]
   to go to Valladolid; 
itwas at the request of
        the Bishop of Palencia,
        Don Alvaro de Mendoza
   who accepted and at all times helped
         the first monastery, 
         that of S. Joseph, Avila, 
    always does help us 
         in whatever concerns the Order.       [3] 
When he had given up the see of Avila, 
    being translated to Palencia,
 our Lord put it into his heart 
    to have a monastery of this holy order 
  founded there. 
On my arrival in Valladolid,
     I  became so seriously ill 
 that they thought I must die.                     [4] 
I was so unwilling 
    to make the foundation, 
    and so far from thinking 
         I could do anything,
  that, notwithstanding 
      the importunity of  the prioress            [5] 
          of our monastery in Valladolid, 
      who wished much 
          to see the foundation made, 
  I could not persuade myself 
           to undertake it; 
neither had I the means to begin it, 
  for the monastery was 
     to be founded in poverty
  and I was told 
     that it could not be maintained, 
  because the place was very poor. 
2. She is discouraged. 
This foundation, 
     with that of Burgos, 
   had been under consideration 
         for nearly a year, 
and heretofore 
    I was not so unwilling to make it; 
then, however, 
when I had gone to Valladolid 
     for no other end, 
I found that the disadvantages of it 
     were many. 
I  know not 
   whether this came 
       -  from my illness 
          the weakness it left me in, 
       - from the devil, 
         who wanted to hinder the good 
                that was afterwards done. 
In truth, I am lost 
     in amazement and grief 
            — and I have often complained of it
                 to our Lord — 
     at the great share 
          which the poor soul has
                in the weakness of the body, 
    for it seems to have 
          nothing to do 
    but to observe its laws 
          according to 
            - its needs, 
            - anything else which makes it suffer. 
   3. And in trouble about it. 

One of the greatest trials and miseries
      of this life 
seems to me to be 
     the absence of a grand spirit 
          to keep the body under control; 
Illnesses and grievous afflictions, 
    though they are a trial, 
I  think nothing of
    if the soul is strong, 
    for it praises God, 
        and sees 
    that everything comes 
        from His hand
But to be 
            on the one hand 
            on the other 
                    doing nothing, 
     is to be in a fearful state 
        especially for a soul
     that has had earnest desires 
          never to rest inwardly or outwardly, 
          but to spend itself wholly 
              in the service of its great God; 
there is no help for it 
        - in patience 
          in confessing its wretchedness
       - in being resigned to the will of God
   so that He may use it 
          for what purposes He pleases
          as He pleases
This was the state 
     I was in then:
though my strength had begun 
     to come back,
yet such was my weakness 
    that I lost that confidence 
          I usually had 
    when I had to begin 
        any of these foundations. 
I thought everything impossible, 
and it would have been 
    of great service to me 
if I could have found any one 
    to encourage me  
but, as it was, 
   some helped me to be afraid; 
         though they made me hope a little,
    could not overcome my faintheartedness. 
   4. She consults Father  Ripalda. 
At that time came thither 
    a father of the society, 
         the doctor Ripalda,                         [6]
    a great servant of God, 
        who at one time 
    used to hear my confession. 
I told him the state I was in, 
and that I looked upon him 
    as standing to me in the place of God
      — he must tell me 
           what he thought of it. 
He began by rousing my courage, 
    and told me 
that my cowardice was 
     the effect of old age;
     but I saw well enough it was not, 
     for I am older today 
           and I feel none of it; 
     and he too must have known
             it was not, 
     and therefore rebuked me 
             in that way 
     that I might not think it came from God. 
    5. Discouragement.
The foundation of Palencia 
    and that of Burgos 
were then carried on together, 
and I was without means 
    for the one and the other ; 
but this was not the cause 
   of my discouragement, 
for I usually begin with less. 
He bade me give it up 
    on no account
and the same thing 
     had been said to me before in Toledo 
by a provincial of  the society, 
      Baltasar Alvarez,                                [7]
but I was then in good health. 
That was enough to make me 
    resolved on going on; 
and yet, 
though I was very much moved by it,
    I was not altogether resolved, 
     either the devil, 
      or, as I have just said, 
          my illness held me back; 
however, I became much more willing 
   to go on. 
The prioress of Valladolid did 
    all she could to help me, 
for she wished much 
    for the foundation in Palencia, 
    but she also had her fears 
         when she saw me so lukewarm. 
Now let the true fire come
          — for nobody, 
                      not even the servants of God, 
                  could give me courage — 
and it is done; 
and that will show 
it was generally 
   not I 
        who did anything in these foundations, 
   but He only 
         who is almighty. 
   6. But is encouraged by our Lord.  
One day, 
      still in doubt,  and 
      not determined on  making 
           either of the foundations, 
  I implored our Lord, 
      when I had just received communion, 
             to give me light 
       that I might in all things 
             do His will
       for my lukewarmness was not such 
            as to make me falter 
                  for a moment 
            in that desire. 
Our Lord said to me, 
    as if (He) were reproaching me, 
    'What art thou afraid of ? 
     When did I ever fail thee ? 
      I am to-day 
         what I have always been; 
     Do not give up these two foundations.'  [8] 
O the great God, 
   how different are Thy words 
     from the words of men ! 
So my courage and resolution came, 
the whole world was not strong enough 
    to oppose me, 
I began at once 
         to make my preparations, 
and our Lord 
         to furnish the means.                          [9]
 7. And begins the foundation. — 
I received two nuns, 
that we might have wherewithal 
    to buy a house; 
and, though they told me
   it was not possible 
         to live by alms in Palencia, 
   it was as if they said nothing, 
   for as to founding it 
         with an endowment 
   I saw it could not be done then, 
and as God commanded it 
    to be made
His Majesty would see to that. 
though I had 
    not quite recovered my health,
I made up my mind to go,
    though the weather was rough, 
for I left Valladolid 
    on the feast of the Innocents
     in the year already mentioned,             [10] 
for a nobleman 
     who lived there, 
   having gone to live elsewhere, 
      had given us until Midsummer          [11] 
            in the following year 
      a house he had hired. 
I wrote to a canon of that city,
   though I did not know him; 
      but a friend of his 
          had told me 
      that he was a servant of God, 
      and I had a firm persuasion
          he would be a great help to us, 
because our Lord himself
           — it has been so 
                in the other foundations — 
  finds everywhere 
       some one to help us, 
  because His Majesty knows 
       how little I can do myselt. 
I sent to the canon begging him 
   to have the house                                  [12]
emptied for us 
    as secretly as he could,
    for some one was staying in it 
    whom he was not to tell 
            what it was wanted for: 
that some of the chief persons there 
    had shown their good will, 
and the bishop very much so, 
 I looked on it as being much safer 
       to let nobody know of the matter. 
   8. Takes possession. 

The Canon Reinoso                                 [13] 
                  — it was to him I wrote — 
   did this work so well 
that he had 
   not only had the house made ready for us
   but beds also, 
     with many comforts abundantly supplied; 
and we had need of all, 
   for it was very cold, 
and the day before had been toilsome
   because of a thick fog 
      in which we could scarcely 
          see one another. 
In truth, 
we had hardly any rest 
   till we had made everything ready 
for saying Mass the next morning.        [14]
I would have that done 
   before anybody knew we were there, 
because I have found 
   that to be the best way 
in making these foundations,                 [15]
    for if we begin to consult people 
         Satan disturbs everything; 
     however, he cannot succeed, 
          but he gives trouble. 
So it was done; 
for early in the morning 
  when it was scarcely dawn, 
Mass was said by a priest 
   who came with us, 
       named Porras
       a great servant of God.
With us was also 
   a friend of the nuns of Valladolid, 
       Agustin de Vitoria,                          [16]
   - who had lent me money 
         to furnish the house, 
   - who had been a great comfort to us 
         on the road. 
  9. And makes the foundation. — 
We came here (with) 
    five nuns,                                             [17]
    a lay sister                                           [18]
       who for some time 
           has been with me 
                as my companion
        but she is 
                so great a servant of God 
                and so provident,
        that she is able to help me 
                more than any other
That night we had 
    but little sleep,
though the journey, as I said, 
    had been fatiguing because of the rain. 
It was a joy to me 
   that the foundation was made 
on the day on which 
   the feast of king David is kept
for I have a devotion to him.                    [19]
I sent immediately in the morning 
   a message to the Bishop
for he did not even know 
    that I had arrived that day.                   [20]
He came to us at once 
   with the great affection 
which he has always had for us; 
He told us 
   he should 
       - give us all the bread 
              we should require, 
       - gave his steward orders
              to furnish many things. 
The (Carmelite) Order 
     owes him so much 
that every one 
     who shall read the story 
           of these foundations 
      is bound to pray to our Lord 
            for him, living and dead; 
      and I ask to have it done 
            as an act of charity. 
The joy shown by the people
    was so great and so general 
as to make it very remarkable, 
     for there was no one 
          who took it amiss. 
It was known 
   that the bishop wished it, 
   that was a help to us, 
for he is greatly beloved there; 
but the whole population is 
    the best and noblest I have seen
and accordingly 
   I rejoice more and more every day 
that I have made a foundation there. 
10. She seeks a house for the nuns.  
As the house was not our own
  we began at once 
      to treat for the purchase of another
for though (the one we were in)
     that we were in 
      - was for sale, 
      - it was very badly placed, 
      and I thought,
          with the help I should have 
                from the nuns 
           who were to live in it, 
      I might treat with some security, 
      for, though that was but little, 
          it was much for that place. 
After all, 
if God had not sent us
    the good friends He gave us 
it would have been all 
    to no purpose. 
The good Canon Reinoso brought 
    with him another friend,
            the Canon Salinas,                       [21]
    a man of great charity and discernment, 
    and between them both 
         the matter was looked after 
   just as if it was their own, 
          and I believe with more zeal; 
   they have been always 
          friends of this house. 
11. Is shown one. — 
There was a building in the town, 
   a hermitage devoutly frequented, 
        dedicatee! to our Lady, 
   with the title of 
       Our Lady of the Street. 
It is a very holy place 
   in the eyes 
         of the whole country and 
         of the town itself, 
and many people resort to it. 
It seemed 
         to his lordship and 
         to everybody
   that we should be well placed 
         close to that church. 
There was no house 
     belonging to it, 
but there were two adjoining it, 
which, if we bought them, 
    would be enough for us 
if we had the church also. 
        - the chapter and 
        - a certain confraternity 
    would have to give up to us, 
and accordingly 
we began to take steps for obtaining it
The chapter at once 
    gave it to us as a gift
 and, though I had some trouble
    in coming to an understanding 
 with the members of the confraternity,
    they did so also
for, as I have said before, 
  the people of the place are good, 
and I have nowhere seen better
12. Which she disapproves of — 
When the owners of the houses 
  saw that we wished to get them 
they raised the price, 
   and very reasonably so. 
I would go and see them, 
   but they seemed
           to me and 
           to those 
                who went with us, 
      so poor 
   that I would not have them 
      on any account. 
Later on I saw clearly
    that Satan, on his part, 
exerted himself because it vexed him 
    that we were come. 
The two canons 
    who helped us 
thought we should be there 
    at too great a distance 
from the cathedral church, 
yet it was the most thickly peopled 
    part of the town. 
In a word, 
   we all made up our minds, 
as that house would not suit, 
    to look for another. 
This the two canons 
    - began to do 
        with such care and diligence
              that I gave thanks to our Lord, 
   - neglected nothing 
        they thought to the purpose. 
They were satisfied at last 
    with a house 
belonging to a person 
    they call, Tamayo
Some parts of it were 
    very well arranged, 
so that it was 
    exceedingly convenient for us, 
    and it stood near the house 
         of a great nobleman, 
         Suero de Vega,                              [22]
    who was a great friend of ours, 
    who, with others living 
               in that part of the town, 
        was very much pleased 
               at our going to live there. 
The house was not large enough, 
    but another would be given us with it, 
which, however, was not so placed 
    that we could well join 
        the one to the other. 
13. And treats for the purchase of others.  
In short, 
they gave such an account 
      of the matter 
that I wished the purchase to be made, 
but the two canons would not settle anything
   before I saw the place myself. 
I felt the going out among people 
    very keenly, 
and I had so much confidence in them 
   as to make it unnecessary. 
At last I went, 
   and also to see the houses 
        by the church of our Lady,
             though not with the intention 
                   of taking them, 
              but to hinder the owner 
                    of the other house 
              from thinking 
                   that we could not help taking his. 
To me, and 
 to those who went with me 
      to see them, 
 they looked so wretched, 
      as I said before, 
but we are now astonished
    that we could have thought 
    so badly of them. 
In this mind we went to the other house, 
   being fully determined 
to take it, and none other; 
and, though we found many difficulties, 
   we made light of them, 
notwithstanding the great trouble 
   we should have in overcoming them, 
for all that part of it 
   which was fitted for our living in 
would have to be pulled down 
    in order to build the church, 
and after all an inconvenient one. 
A strange thing -
this predetermination 
     to do a particular thing ! 
in truth, 
it taught me 
    to have little confidence in myself, 
though I was not alone
    in my then delusion. 
In a word, 
we went away fully resolved 
   - that no other would do for us, and 
   - to give the money asked,
            which was too much, 
   - to write to the owner, 
             for he was not in the town; 
      he was, however, not far off. 
14. Device of Satan.  
This long account 
    of the purchase of a house 
will seem foolish 
    until we consider the object 
which Satan must have had, 
   that we should not go to that of our Lady; 
and I tremble whenever I think of it. 
All having made up their mind, 
    as I said before, 
to take no other house 
   but that, 
the next morning during Mass 
   I began to be very anxious, 
           doubting if we had done right, 
   and ill at ease, 
so that I had hardly any peace 
   during the whole of Mass. 
I went to receive 
    the Most Holy Sacrament, 
and at the moment of communion 
   I heard these words, 
         ' This is the house for thee,' 
   in such a way 
that I made up my mind at once 
    not to take the other house at all 
         of which I was thinking, 
    but that of  our Lady.                         [23]
I began to consider the difficulties 
    of withdrawing from a bargain 
        which had been carried so far, 
        which they 
                  who had so carefully considered it, 
            wished  so  much to see settled, 
   and our Lord answered me, 
      'They do not know 
           how much I am offended 
               in that place, 
      and this will be a great reparation.' 
I thought it was no delusion, 
   but I did not believe; 
yet I knew well, 
    by the effect it had upon me, 
that it was the Spirit of  God. 
He said to me at once,  
       'It is I.' 
15. Effect of the divine locution.  
I became perfectly calm, 
   delivered from my former uneasiness, 
though I did not know 
       - to undo what had been done, 
       - to remove the evil impression 
            given to my sisters of that house; 
   for I had spoken strongly 
          of the unfitness of it, 
   and that I would not have them 
          go there without seeing it 
   for anything in the world. 
I did not think so much about this, 
   for I was well aware 
that they would take in good part 
   whatever  I did; 
but my doubts were about those 
   who wished to have the other house.
These would look on me, 
       I thought, 
   as capricious and uncertain, 
        seeing that I changed so quickly
        — what I hate exceedingly. 
All this thinking 
    had no influence whatever, 
              much or little, 
    to make me give up 
         the house of our Lady, 
neither did I remember 
    that it was not a good house; 
for if the nuns could hinder 
    but one venial sin 
everything else was of  no moment, 
   and every one of them,
        if they only knew  what I knew, 
   would have been, I believe, 
        of the same mind. 
16. The Saint refers to her confessor.  
I had recourse to this 
  — I used to go to confession 
           to the canon Reinoso, 
       who was one of two 
           who be friended me, 
       though I had never told him 
          anything of the kind before, 
       because nothing had happened 
          to make it necessary
       for me to do so ; 

and, as I have been  accustomed
when these spiritual visitations occur
    always to do that 
which my confessor may advise
        in order that I might travel 
           on the safe road, 
 I determined to tell him all 
     as a great secret, 
though my mind was not made up 
     to leave undone 
what I had been told to do, 
   without a feeling of great pain. 
I would have ended, however, 
   by doing what he told me, 
for I trusted in our Lord 
   that He would do again 
       what I have known Him 
              do at other times, 
for His Majesty changes
         the confessor's mind,
                though of another opinion, 
  so that he shall do 
         what our Lord wills. 
17. She reveals the locution to the canon.   
I spoke to him 
  - first,  of the many times 
       that our Lord was wont to show me 
            in this way what to do, 
  - that before now 
          many things had happened 
      whereby I knew it 
          to be  the work of His Spirit, 
  - then told him 
          what had taken place; 
  - but still I would do 
           what he desired, 
         though it might be painful. 
He was a most prudent and saintly man, 
   and endowed with the gift 
        of  good counsel in everything, 
 but he is young, 
and, though he saw 
     that this change would be talked about, 
his decision was not 
     that I should refrain from doing
           what I had learnt. 
I told him we should wait 
   for the return of the messenger, 
and he thought so too, 
for I was now  confident 
   that God would find a way out of it; 
and so it came to pass, 
for the owner of the house, 
    though we had given for it 
       what he wanted and had asked for, 
now asked three hundred ducats more, 
    which seemed absurd, 
for the sum to be paid 
    was more than the house was worth. 
Herein we saw 
     the hand of God, 
for the sale of the house 
     was very serviceable to its owner, 
and to ask for more 
     when the bargain had been made 
was not reasonable. 
This helped us exceedingly, 
  and we said we could never agree with him; 
but it was not enough to excuse us, 
   because it was plain 
that for the sake of  three hundred ducats 
   we ought not to give up a house 
that seemed fit for a monastery. 
I told my confessor 
    not to trouble himself 
        about my good name 
    now that he thought I ought to do it, 
but merely to say to his friend 
    that I was bent on buying 
the house of our Lady, 
    whether it might be 
          dear or cheap, 
          in good or in bad repair. 
His friend has 
    a singularly quick understanding, 
and, though nothing was said to him, 
   I believe he guessed the reason 
when he saw so sudden a change, 
and accordingly 
    he never pressed me further in the matter. 
18. The Saint's joy in the new house.  
We all saw afterwards 
   the mistake we might have made 
         in buying that house, 
for we are now amazed 
  when we consider 
how much better is the one we have, 
   to say nothing 
         of the chief thing of all
   and which everybody sees, 
        • the service 
                 of our Lord and 
                 of His glorious Mother
              therein, and 
        • the removal of occasions of sin, 
  for nightly vigils were kept there, 
   and therefore, 
         as it was only a hermitage, 
    many things might have been done there, 
       the hindering of which 
              was a vexation to Satan, 
    and we ourselves are glad to be able 
        to serve our Mother, 
      our Lady, our Protectress in anything.
It was very ill done on our part 
   not to have gone there sooner, 
for we ought never 
    to have looked at any other house. 
It is plain enough
    that the devil makes us blind 
             to many things, 
for there are many conveniences
    in the house 
which we should not have found elsewhere;
the people, too, 
     wished us to take it, 
and their joy is exceedingly great; 
and even those 
    who would have us 
           go to the other house 
afterwards looked on this 
     as much the best. 
19, Special providence of God. 
Blessed be He for ever and ever 
   who gave me light herein ! 
    — and He does so 
         whenever I happen to do anything well; 
for every day I am amazed 
    more and more 
at the little ability I have for anything. 
      This must not be understood as humility, 
for I see it to be so 
     more clearly day by day.
It seems to be our Lord's good pleasure 
that I and everybody else shall learn 
   - that it is His Majesty alone 
          who makes these foundations, 
  - that, as He by means of clay 
          gave sight to the blind,                   [24] 
     so He will have one blind 
            as I am 
      not to act blindly. 
Certainly we showed great blindness 
   in this matter, 
            as I said before, 
and whenever I think of it 
   I give thanks anew to our Lord, 
          only even to do this 
          I am not able, 
   and I do not know 
          how people can bear me. 
Blessed be His compassion for ever ! 
20. The houses are bought.  
Those saintly friends 
    of the Virgin 
then made haste at once 
    to purchase the houses, 
and they had them cheap in my opinion. 
They laboured hard, 
   for in every one of these foundations 
God would have those 
         who helped us 
     to gain merit, 
and I am the one 
    who does nothing, 
        as I have elsewhere said, 
        and wish never to refrain from saying, 
               because it is true. 
Then, the help they gave us 
      in arranging the house, 
            and also 
      in paying the money for it,                [25]
      in becoming our sureties also, 
              as I had no money myself, 
   was very great, 
for before I found any 
      to be sureties for us in other places, 
and that for not so large a sum, 
    I was put to great trouble; 
and they were right, 
   for if they did not trust in our Lord
they would not have done so, 
    because I have no means. 
But His Majesty has always been 
    so gracious unto me 
that nobody lost anything 
     by doing me that kindness at any time, 
nor have I ever failed 
     to repay them fully, 
and  I look upon that as a very great grace. 
21. By the two canons.  
As the owners of the house 
    were not satisfied 
         with the two canons as sureties, 
these went in search of the steward,          [26]
   whose name was Prudencio; 
but I do not know 
   that my recollection of his name is exact 
     — so they called him now — 
    for as he was called the steward,
           I did not learn his name. 
He was so charitable to us 
  that our debt to him was and is great. 
He asked them 
    whither they were going: 
they answered, to find him,
     that he might sign the bond. 
He laughed and said, 
   'So this is the way you ask me 
    to become security for so much money ?' 
And thereupon, 
without dismounting from his mule, 
   he signed, 
which is a wonderful thing 
   for these times. 
I should like to speak much 
   in praise of the charity 
         of the people of Palencia
         of all together 
         of each in particular:
the truth is, 
   it seemed to me 
like that of the primitive church
            — at least it is not very 
                  common in the world now; 
 they knew 
     - (that) we had no revenue, and 
     - that they would have to find us food, 
  yet they 
         not only did not forbid us 
              to come to them, 
         but declared our coming
             to be a very great grace 
             which God gave them; 
and if it be looked at 
     in the true light 
 they spoke truly, 
for, if it did no more 
   than give them another church, 
wherein the Most Holy Sacrament 
   had another house, 
that is a great thing. 
22. Fruits of the monastery. 
May He be blessed for ever, amen ! 
for it is plain enough 
   - that He is pleased to be here, and 
   - that some-thing wrong which must
          have been done in the place
      is done no longer 
      — for as much people 
              kept vigil here formerly, 
          as the hermitage was lonely, 
              every one that came 
                 did not come out of devotion — 
  - that is a change for the better. 
The image of our Lady was 
    in a most unseemly place. 
The bishop, Don Alvaro de Mendoza, 
     built a chapel for it, 
and by degrees much was done 
     for  the honour and glory 
          of the glorious Virgin 
          of her Son. 
Praise Him for ever ! 
Amen, amen. 
23. The Saint takes possession 
          of the new house.  
 At last, 
when the house was fully prepared 
   for the nuns to go into it, 
the bishop would have them 
   go with great solemnity, 
and accordingly 
it was done one day 
   within the octave of Corpus Christi;    [27] 
he came himself from Valladolid,            
 and was attended by 
       the chapter, 
       the religious orders, 
       almost the whole population
              of the place, 
  to the sound of music.                         [28]
We went 
    from the house 
          in which we were staying, 
       all of us in procession,
          in our white mantles, 
          with veiled faces, 
    to the parish church,                         [29]
       close to the house of our Lady. 
Her image had come for us, 
we took the Most Holy Sacrament thence
and carried it into our church 
    in great pomp and order, 
which stirred up much devotion. 
There were more nuns, 
   for those who were going 
       to make the foundation in Soria 
   were there;                                            [30] 
and we  all had candles in our hands. 
I believe 
   our Lord was greatly honoured that day 
in that place.                                            [31]
May He grant it may be always 
    so of all creatures ! Amen. 
24. The reform established.  
When I was in Palencia
    it pleased God to 
      - make a separation 
             of the friars of the reform 
            from the friars of the mitigation, 
      - each division to be a province by itself, 
           which is all that we desired 
          for our own peace and quietness.    [32] 
On the petition of Don Philip, 
    our Catholic king, 
a most ample brief                                     [33]
    was brought from Rome for the purpose, 
and his majesty helped us in the end 
   as he had in the beginning. 
A chapter was held in Alcala 
    under the presidency 
         of a reverend father, 
        Fray Juan de las Cuevas,                [34] 
        then prior in Talavera. 
He is 
      - of  the order of S. Dominic, 
          and was appointed in Rome 
          on the nomination of the king: 
     - a most holy and prudent man, 
          as it was necessary he should be 
       for such a work as this. 
The cost was borne by the king, 
  and at his command,
 the whole university helped the friars. 
The chapter was held                              [35]
     in great peace and concord 
in the College of S. Cyril 
     of the barefooted Carmelites,            [36]
 which we possess there. 
The father-master 
 Fray Jerome Gratian of the Mother of God
    was elected provincial.                       [37] 
25. Joy of the Saint  at the separation 
          from the Fathers of the Mitigation.  
But, as these fathers will give 
    an account of this elsewhere, 
there is no reason 
    why I should meddle with it. 
I have spoken of it 
 because it was while I was occupied 
     with this foundation 
that our Lord did a work 
    - that touched so nearly 
           the honour and glory 
                 of His glorious Mother, 
           our Lady and Patroness as she is, 
                  for the order is hers, 
   - (that) gave to me one 
         of the greatest joys and pleasures
    that I could have in this life, 
    for I had been 
         for more than twenty-five years 
            in trouble, persecution, and distress, 
          too long to speak of; 
     our Lord alone can know of them. 
Then to see the end of  it all ! 
No one, 
   unless he knows the trouble 
        I underwent, 
   can tell
      - the joy that I had in my heart, 
      - the desire I had 
          that all the world should give thanks 
                 to our Lord, 
          that we should pray to Him 
               for our holy King Don Philip, 
          whom God made use of 
          to bring everything to so happy an end,
     for the devil had been so cunning
         that the order would have 
             been overthrown 
         but for the king. 

26. Danger of slight relaxation.
Now we are all in peace, 
    friars of the mitigation 
    friars of the reform,
 no one hinders us 
   in the service  of our Lord. 
Therefore, my brethren and sisters, 
   make haste to serve His Majesty, 
who has so abundantly 
   heard our prayers. 
Let those 
       who are now alive, 
       who have seen these things 
             with their own eyes, 
       - His graciousness unto us, and 
       - the troubles and disquiet 
            from which He has delivered us; 
and let those 
          who are to come after us, 
          who will find everything easy, 
       for the love of our Lord
  never allow any observance
           tending to perfection 
       to fall into disuse. 
Let them never give men 
      occasion to say of them 
   what is said of some orders, 
        'Their beginning was praiseworthy '
           — and we are beginning now — 
but let them strive to go on 
   from good to better. 
Let them consider 
    that the devil, 
          by means of very slight relaxations, 
    makes an opening 
       by which very great ones may creep in
Let it never happen to them 
     to say, 
       'This is nothing — these are extremes.' 
O my daughters, 
   everything is important 
if it does not help us onwards. 
I beseech you 
        for the love of our Lord 
    to keep in mind 
       -  how soon everything passes away, 
       - how good our Lord has been to us 
            in bringing us to the Order, 
       - how severely she shall be punished 
          who shall be the first 
         to be lax in anything. 
Do you direct your eyes 
     to the race of those holy prophets 
from whom we are descended 
      — what saints we have in heaven 
               who wore this habit ! 
Let us dare 
      with a holy boldness, 
 by the grace of God, 
       to be ourselves like unto them
The fight, my sisters, will be 
     but for a moment, 
and the issue 
     is for ever. 
Let us 
    - leave alone those things 
             which are nothing, and 
    - attend to those 
             which bring us near to Him 
         who is our end, 
    - to serve and love Him 
          more and more, 
      for He will be for ever and ever. 
Amen, amen. 

          End of  Chapter 29 
                     of the 
          Book of the Foundations
             of S. Teresa of Jesus 
  of the Order of our Lady of Carmel