Monday, September 26, 2011

The Book of the Foundations - Discussion of Chapter 28 - St. Teresa of Avila - Teresa of Jesus

         The Book of the Foundations
              of S. Teresa of Jesus 
     of the Order of our Lady of Carmel 
      Discussion of Chapter 28     XXVIII

      Discussion of Chapter 28 

   The  Foundation  of   Villanueva De La Jara
          at the Hermitage of St. Anne 
              February 211580

        Chronology of the Foundation 
                  of   Villanueva De La Jara

        Background  Notes of  Villanueva de la Jara

            Dona Catalina de Cardona 
                 The Foundation of the Monastery 
                      of Our  Lady of Succour,  La Roda,
                      of  the Discalced Carmelite Friars 
                                April 1572
              The 9  holy  women   recluses
                     who  would be  nuns
                 The  History of the Hermitage 
                       of St. Anne 
                   in Villanueva de la Jara
  The Account of the Foundation 
                    of   Villanueva De La Jara 
        Envisioning a Foundation at 
                    Villanueva de la Jara
        Plans and  Preparations 
        Journey to and arrival at 
                     Villaneuva de la Jara
        The Carmelite Foundation  is established
           at the Hermitage of St. Anne 
           at  Villanueva de la Jara
                 21st February 1580
        The 9 holy women receive 
           the Carmelite Habit      2/25/1580   
       St. Teresa's Instruction to her nuns 

[The above  Drawing is from: 
   "St Teresa of Jesus of the Order
       of Our Lady of Mt Carmel
    embracing The Life , Relations, 
      Maxims, and Foundations"
    Edited by John J. Burke, C.S.P.
    from ]


             Discussion of Chapter 28 
  The Foundation of   Villanueva De La Jara
            at the Hermitage of St. Anne 
       February 21, 1580

      "On the first Sunday in Lent      
                                          [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #31 ]

      "21 St February 1580"
                         [ Foundation: Ch. 28: Foot note #45 ]
      "it was 
             the eve of  the feast of the Chair of S. Peter, 
             the feast of  S. Barbatian, 1580"
                                         [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #31 ]

   Chronology of the Foundation 
         of   Villanueva De La Jara

             "Nine women....
                    by (the) direction... 
                         of Don Juan le Rojas,
                    then parish priest 
                         of Villanueva de la Jara...
              lived together as religious...                           
              They sent word of all this 
                    to Dona Catalina ( a holy hermit)
                         ...about the year 1572
              who comforted them by telling them 
                    that they were to be the beginning 
                        of a house of Carmel of the reform.        
                                  [ The Book of the Foundations 
                                     of S. Teresa of Jesus: Ch 28
                                     Transl. by David Lewis 1871 ]

              The Foundation of the Monastery 
            of Our  Lady of Succour,  La Roda,
                      of  the Discalced Carmelite Friars 
                                April 1572
           ( in the desert,  3 leagues from Villanueva)
                 was founded by Dona Catalina de Cardona

              The Hermitage of S. Anne, 
                      which was   bequested 
                            by the will of  
                      "Diego de Guadalajara 
                            ...a friar of the order 
                            of our Lady of Carmel.."
                      as a future Carmelite convent,
               was granted by the city 
                      as the home of  the 9  women 
               who had been  living in recollection
                      in a small house since at least 1572
                                        [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #38 ]
               "The people of  Villanueva 
                       with the parish priest at their head 
                 received (nine holy women) and
                 led them in procession 
                        to the hermitage of S. Anne 
                This happened in 1574"
                                        [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                            Foot note #14 ]
               "The municipality gave them
                  the hermitage.     
                                        [ The Book of the Foundations 
                                            of S. Teresa of Jesus: Ch. 28 
                                           Transl. by D. Lewis 1871 ]


               "9th August,
                 ...(St. Teresa)  in Toledo...
                 is now asked to make a foundation 
                  in Villanueva de la Jara.
                                        [ Foundations: Introduction:
                                           "Annals of the Saint's Life" ]
               "there came to me in Toledo 
                      in the year 1576...                          
                 an ecclesiastic                                         
                      from Villanueva de la Jara 
                 with letters from the municipality. 
                 The purport was to arrange with me 
                      for the receiving into a monastery 
                 nine women..."                    
                                        [ Foundations: Ch 28: #7 ]
               "Immediately on her arrival in Toledo, 
                     in the month of June, 1576"
                                        [ Foundations: Ch 28: 
                                                             Foot note #13 ]

     (around end of the year )

               "The foundations are interrupted, 
                 none being made 
                        for more than four years 
                  owing to the troubles arising...
                        between the friars of the old observance 
                        and those of the Saint's reform"              
                                        [ Foundations: Introduction:
                                           "Annals of the Saint's Life" ]
              "When the foundation in Seville 
                     ( 29 May, 1575 )
                     had been made 
                no other foundations were made 
                     for more than four years; 

                the reason was 
                     that great persecutions           
                     of the friars  and  nuns"
                                       [ Foundations: Ch 28: #1 ]
                However, the Foundation at Caravaca 
                    was founded  1 January, 1576.
                Although she could not be there in person,
                    she chose and sent the nuns 
                    who did establish it.


                April 1...
                P. Salazar authorizes St. Teresa
                to resume the visitation of her convents.
                                    [Complete Works St. Teresa of Avila  
                                      Volume 1: Introduction
                              "An outline of the Life of St. Teresa" 
                                      Translated by Edgar Allison Peers ]

                "25th Nov. 
                  She reaches Malagon, 

                 She consents to make the foundation
                     in Villanueva de la Jara."
                                     [ Foundations: Introduction:
                                         Annals of the Saint's Life" ]


             "Fray Angel de Salazar 
                  had sent the permission 
                  five days before, i.e. 28th January"
                                       [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                       Foot note #21 ]
                28th Jan
                Fra Angel de Salazar, 28th Jan. 
                    gives the Saint authority 
                 to make the foundation in Villanueva
                                      [ Foundations: Introduction:
                                         Annals of the Saint's Life" ]

             13th Feb. 
                 She departs from Malagon (for Villaneuva)
                                     [ Foundations: Introduction:
                                        Annals of the Saint's Life" ]
                February 13
                   Leaves Malagon for Villanueva de la Jara 

                February 21
                 "arriving there February 21, 
                   after making stops at Toledo and La Roda"
                                    [Complete Works St. Teresa of Avila  
                                      Volume 1: Introduction
                                      "An outline of the Life of St. Teresa
                                        Translated by Edgar Allison Peers ]
                ( First Sunday in Lent )
                  "arrives in Villanueva 
                         on the first Sunday in Lent"
                                    [ Foundations: Introduction:
                                       "Annals of the Saint's Life" ]
                February 21
                "Foundation of Convent 
                   at Villanueva de la Jara"
                                  [ Foundations: Introduction:
                                     "Annals of the Saint's Life" ]
             25th February
                "The devout ladies there waiting for her,
                     receive the habit, 25th February"
                                 [ Foundations: Introduction:
                                     "Annals of the Saint's Life" ]

                "March 20
                 Leaves Villanueva de la Jara"
                              [ Complete Works St. Teresa of Avila  
                                 Volume 1: Introduction
                          "An outline of the Life of St. Teresa" 
                                  Translated by Edgar Allison Peers ]

                "arrives in Toledo 25th March
                             [ Foundations: Introduction:
                                "Annals of the Saint's Life" ]   

  Background  Notes of  Villanueva de la Jara

      Dona Catalina de Cardona 
         The Foundation of the Monastery 
            of Our  Lady of Succour,  La Roda,
            of  the Discalced Carmelite Friars 
                        April 1572

   Catalina de Cardona
   • Hermit 
   • Given the habit of a Carmelite Brother
   • Foundress of the Monastery 
       of Our  Lady of Succour,  La Roda,
       of  the Discalced Carmelite Friars 
                  April 1572

   •  "Her father was Don Ramon de Cardona,  
         descended from the royal house of Aragon,
       and her mother was a near relative 
          of the princess of Salerno, 
       into whose house she was taken 
          on her father's death, 
      when she was but eight years of age."
                                             [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                             Foot note #25 ]
   •  She practiced sacrifice and detachment 
            from an earlly age:
       "She had a vision of her father in purgatory,
           who told her that his release 
         would be the fruit of  her penance. 
         Thereupon she at once began 
            to mortify and discipline herself
          till she obtained her father's deliverance."
                                             [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                             Foot note #25 ]
   •  "She led now a most austere life,
         eating no flesh and 
         fasting four days in the week"     
                                                   [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
  •  "Her desire 
         of penance, and 
         of  withdrawing solitude...
       grew within her exceedingly. 
       she went to confession  to a Franciscan friar. 
          Fray Francis de Torres...           
       and so he told her 
         she was not to hold back,
       but to obey the call of His Majesty." 
                                       [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #19 ]

     "She had the advice and encouragement 
         also of S. Peter of Alcantara"
                                                   [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                             Foot note #26 ]

     "A hermit, ..."a priest Pina by name, 
          ... approved of her resolution, 
          ...found a cave for her, 
              and there left her 
                                                   [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                             Foot note #28 ]
     "she made her way, dressed as a man,
          to the desert, 
       where she spent her life 
          in the service of God  
                                                   [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                             Foot note #27 ]
     "Her clothing was of kersey, 
           with a tunic of coarse cloth, 
       and so fashioned 
           that the people thought she was a man. 
                                       [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #23 ]

       "She said
         that she had been eight years in that cave"   
                                       [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #22 ]
  •  Envisioning a Monastery of  Carmelite Friars
     "She began wishing for a monastery of friars 
          in that place..."
       While praying
        "our Lord showed her ...a white mantle
        and she understood 
      it belonged to the barefooted Carmelites"

     "then, having learnt
         that there was a (Carmelite) monastery 
              in Pastrana...
         she set out for that place 
               to find how she could have 
               the monastery she desired."           
                                          [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #24 ]
      "On the 3rd of May 1571, 
          she came to Pastrana..."    
                                                   [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                             Foot note #33 ]
     ◦ She receives the habit 
              of the Carmelite Brother
       at the Carmelite Monastery of St Peter 
          in Pastrano  from the Prior Fray Baltasar
      "There, in the monastery of  S. Peter, 
             for that is its title, 
        she took the habit of our Lady     
        not, however, with the intention 
             of becoming a nun 
                 and making her profession, 
        for she never had any inclination 
                 to be a nun,
         because our Lord was leading her 
           by another way; 
        she thought 
        that if she were once under obedience
            they would thwart her in her purpose 
         of living austerely and in solitude."
                                          [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #24 ]
       "She would have 
            the habit of a lay brother, 
        for she thought the life  
            of the Carmelite nuns 
        too soft for her, 
        and she was accordingly so clothed, 
            6th May,   (1571)
        by the Prior Fray Baltasar of Jesus (Nieto)"    
                                                   [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                             Foot note #34 ]

       "In the presence of all the friars 
             she received the habit 
         of our Lady of Carmel."                 
                                          [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #25 ]
       "6th May 1571"
                                                   [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                             Foot note #35 ]

       ◦ Preparations for the new Monastery
         "In Pastrana the saintly Cardona 
              began to seek the means 
          of founding a monastery, 
          and in order to do so 
               went back to Madrid, 
         At the court and other places 
          people gave her the means
             to found the monastery, 
          and when she had the licence 
             it was founded."                         
                                       [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #26 ]

         "The license 
             to make the foundation 
           was obtained for her 
                  by the king 
                  from the provincial of the mitigation, 
                  the visitor apostolic, 
                       Fray Pedro Fernandez."
         "She left Madrid
             in the beginning of March, 1572,"
                                                [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                             Foot note #38 ]
  • The  Foundation of the Carmelite Monastery 
         of  Our Lady of Succour,  La Roda, 
                       April 1572
        "and in April (1572)
             took possession of the place 
         where the new monastery 
            was to rise over the cave 
         which she had dwelt in for eight years"   
                                                   [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                             Foot note #38 ]
       "the monastery  of La Roda. 
             the monastery of our Lady of  Succour,  
         ... three leagues from Villanueva...     
        The monastery stands in a desert 
            and most pleasing solitude"

        "The church is entered underground 
               as through a cave, 
          which figured that of our father Elias"
                                         [ Foundation: Ch. 28: # 17 ] 
       The 'Book of the Foundations' Introduction lists
              the Monastery of  La Roda
        as the 6th foundation 
              of the Discaced Carmeite Friars,
        founded in April 1572:
             "The monasteries of friars 
                   founded in (St. Tertesa's)  lifetime 
                were these:
                  6.  La Roda .
                      April, 1572
                    ( Reforma bk. iv. ch. xvi. 4. )"
                                      [ Foundations: Introduction:
                                                (List of Monasteries )  ]
      "The church was built 
              where her cave was, 
        and another was made for her 
              on one side having in it 
        a solid tomb. 
       There she remained both night and day 
              during the remainder of her life."   
                                        [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #27 ]
       "After she had founded the monastery 
              she went still to the cave,
         lived and slept in it, 
         and left it 
              only to be present at the divine office. 
        Before that she went to mass 
              in a monastery of the Mercedarians"
                                 [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #23 ]
       "Father Caspar de Salazar, S.J., 
         sent by the Inquisition of Cuenca 
              to examine her spirit, 
         visited her in the cave, 
         and was 
              not only edified 
              but amazed 
         at what he saw and heard: 
         his report to the inquisitors 
            silenced all clamour"
                              [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                      Foot note #39 ]
        "That was not long 
          for she lived only about five years and a half 
                after the foundation of the monastery"

        "She died in the year 1577"   
                                      [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #27 ]

        "The chronicler of the order says...      
             that she died 11th May 1577, 
          though others say
             it was two years later. 
                                                 [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                             Foot note #40 ]

        "She (was then) lying in a chapel of our Lady...  
             till a larger church ....shall be built..."
                                       [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #27 ]
         St. Teresa in 1581 during her visit
               to this Carmelite monastery 
               "I was very sorry 
                   for the death of the saint
                by whom our Lord founded the house; 
                I did not deserve to see her 
                    though I  desired it greatly."
                                         [ Foundation: Ch. 28: # 17 ]
     ◦  Relocation of the Monastery
         "In 1603 the monastery was removed 
             to Villanueva de la Jara, 
         and the friars took with them 
             the body of their foundress, 
         and three years afterwards, 
         when Fray Pedro of Jesus Maria was prior, 
             placed it in an honourable place 
          on the gospel side"  
                                                   [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                             Foot note #42 ]
         "Her body was afterwards
             transferred to Villanueva."
                                                   [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                             Foot note #40 ]

         The 9  holy  women   who  would be  nuns:

                     They had lived some years 
                           in a small house close by it, 
                           in such recollectedness and holiness                    
                                             [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #7 ]

                    "there were four young ladies...
                      the daughters of pious and noble parents
                     Their intention was to serve God
                      under the guidance 
                           of that holy anchoress,
                           Dona Catalina de Cardona 

                       but she would not consent to this, 
                       ...Dona Catalina foretold them 
                       that one day they should found 
                             a convent of  Carmelite nuns. 
                       A widow, mother of four daughters 
                             (with) a similar purpose, 
                       invited them to join her household, 
                             and soon after another lady 
                       was admitted into it as well.        
                                                  [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                              Foot note #14 ]
                       "Four young ladies went 
                              to see Dona Catalina de Cardona 
                         in her penance in the desert, 
                         and were so moved  of God
                              at the sight 
                         that they wished 
                              to follow her example. 
                         they obtained the advice 
                               of Don Juan le Rojas,
                         then parish priest 
                                of Villanueva de la Jara. 
                          By his direction 
                              they lived together as religious, 
                           and soon after a widow 
                               with four daughters,   
                           knowing of their way of life, 
                                came and joined them. 
                          They sent word of all this 
                                to Dona Catalina 
                           in the desert about the year 1572
                           who comforted them by telling them 
                                that they were to be the beginning 
                            of a house of Carmel of the reform."       
                                  [ The Book of the Foundations 
                                     of S. Teresa of Jesus: Ch 28                                 
                                     Transl. by David Lewis 1871 ]
                          "Not one of  them had ever exercised 
                              any authority over another, 
                            but each one had 
                              with great affection 
                          laboured to the utmost of her strength 
                         Two of them, 
                             and they were the eldest, 
                          managed all their affairs 
                             when necessary;
                         the rest never spoke to anybody, 
                             and would not do so. 
                         The door of the house 
                             had a bolt only, no lock, 
                          and the eldest answered at it; 
                          none of the others ventured near it. 
                         They slept very little 
                          that they might 
                              earn their bread 
                               not miss their prayer, 
                                  in which they spent many hours"  
                                         [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #35 ]
                       "They directed themselves 
                            by means of the books 
                          of  Fray Luis of Granada and 
                          of  Fray Peter of Alcantara
                          Most of the time was spent 
                             in saying the divine office
                         —  they could hardly read it; 
                               only one (of them  could read well 
                         God accepted 
                               their intention and toil, 
                          but they must have said very little
                               that was correct. 
                        When the father Fray Antonio of Jesus 
                               began to know them 
                         he made them say 
                               the Office of Our Lady only.
                                          [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #36 ]
       The  History of the Hermitage of St. Anne 
           in Villanueva de la Jara
          ▪  Origin of the hermitage of S. Anne. 

                     "Diego de Guadalajara 
                         ...a friar of the order 
                                  of our Lady of Carmel...

                       had a devotion to the glorious S. Anne 
                       and so he made this hermitage...    
                       He made a will  
                           and gave this house...
                       for a monastery of nuns 
                            of our Lady of  Carmel"
                       If and Until 
                          a "monastery should be founded"
                       it was to be occupied by a Chaplain.
                       So a chaplain had lived there
                       "for more than twenty years" 
                       "the property was ruined, 
                                       [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #38 ]
         ▪  The  9 holy women are given possession 
                     of the hermitage in 1574

                     The "nine women...     
                     had lived some years 
                           in a small house close by it, 
                           in such recollectedness and holiness
                      that the whole population was moved 
                      to make an effort to fulfil their desire
                               which was that of being nuns. 
                                             [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #7 ]
                   "The municipality gave them
                            the hermitage.     
                                        [The book of the foundations 
                                         of S. Teresa of Jesus: Ch. 28 
                                 D. Lewis 1871 ]
                   "The people of  Villanueva 
                        with the parish priest at their head 
                              received them and 
                              led them in procession 
                         to the hermitage of S. Anne" 
                        "This happened in 1574."
                                                  [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                              Foot note #14 ]
                    "though the women 
                             took possession of the house
                      they had nothing but the house."
                                           [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #38 ]
                     "The chaplain lived in another (house)
                           belonging to the chapel, 
                                      [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #38 ]
                     St. Teresa said in 1580
                      "for nearly six years  
                           ...since they went into this house 
                                of the glorious S. Anne. 
                                         [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #34 ]
         ▪   The hermitage becomes the site of the
                  Carmelite foundation at Villlaneuva
                       This was in accordance to 
                        the bequest of the will of
                              Friar  Diego de Guadalajara.
                       "Doctor Agustin Ervias...            
                            as parish priest of Villanueva,
                         undertook to make 
                           the necessary arrangements 
                                with the municipality and 
                                with Saint Teresa 
                           for the new community 
                              to be aggregated to her convents"                          
                                                    [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                             Foot note #14 ]
                        St. Teresa wrote regarding the
                        "The chaplain lived in another (house)
                           belonging to the chapel, 
                         which he will now give up to us 
                           with the rest, 
                          and that is very little" 
                                          [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #38 ]
  The Account of the Foundation 
                    of   Villanueva De La Jara 
  Envisioning a Foundation at 
          Villanueva de la Jara
     ▪ Request to St. Teresa in 1576 
          for a Carmelite foundation 
             at  Villanueva de la Jara    

                   "there came to me in Toledo 
                         in the year 1576...               
                     an ecclesiastic                                         
                         from Villanueva de la Jara 
                     with letters from the municipality'
                                             [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #7 ]
                     I received a letter also from a doctor, 
                          the parish priest of the place, 
                     Agustin de Ervias,                 
                                             [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #7 ]
                      he despatched  a messenger 
                      who met her at Toledo" 
                                                    [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                             Foot note #14 ]
       ▪ Along with that request was the request
            that nine women
           ( aready living together in a hermitage)
               be  received as Carmelites

                     "The purport was
                          to arrange with me 
                      for the receiving into a monastery 
                           nine women,                      
                      who were living together in a 
                         hermitage  of the glorious S. Anne
                      which was in the neighbourhood. 

                       ...their desire, 
                       which was that of being nuns."
                                             [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #7 ]
                 In the interim, their is an interruption
                    in the founding of new monasteries
                  because of  the  current authority 
                    and different viewpoints between
                     the mitigated and reformed rule.
                     Later,  around 1579  
                     "Fray Gabriel of the Assumption...
                          the prior of the monastery...
                              of our Lady of Succour, 
                          which lies three leagues 
                              from the town of Villanueva..
                      Father Fray Antonio of Jesus 
                            ... were friends of  Doctor Ervias
                            and began an acquaintance  
                                 with these saintly sisters
                     Attracted by their goodness, and 
                      persuaded by the people and the doctor
                           took up the  matter 
                                 as if it was their own, 
                           began to persuade me, 
                                 writing very earnest letters"
                     "25th Nov. (1579)
                                  She reaches Malagon"  
                                     [ Foundations: Introduction:
                                         Annals of the Saint's Life" ]

                                The Saint had arrived in Malagon 
                                         25th November 1579.
                                                   [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                              Foot note #20]
                        and when I was 
                           in S. Joseph's in Malagon,
                        which is twenty-six leagues 
                           and further from Villanueva,
                        the father prior himself came
                           to speak to me on the subject. 
                        He told me 
                           how it could be done, and 
                        that, the monastery once founded,
                           the Doctor Ervias would endow it 
                             with three hundred ducats a year
                           out of the revenues 
                              of the living he held; 
                           that leave to do so could be had 
                              from Rome.                               [19
                                          [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #10]
                          This offer of Doctor Ervias 
                                was made in 1580...
                          Fray Antonio had accompanied
                                 the prior to Malagon, 
                          to press the matter on the Saint 
                                                  [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                              Foot note #19]
                         "They sent me a messenger 
                              with very pressing letters 
                           from the two fathers, 
                               as well as from the municipality, 
                           by which they bound themselves
                           to furnish whatever was necessary
                           Doctor Ervlas, too, 
                                undertaking to perform 
                            what I spoke of before." 
                                          [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #12 ]
   ▪  St. Teresa's Response 
            ◦ Initially, she thinks it is not feasible:
                      "I thought
                        it was wholly out of the question 
                           that I should accept the monastery,
                        for these reasons: —
                    1. Because they whom I was to accept 
                           were so many
                         because I considered
                           it would be a very difficult thing 
                                to train in our way those 
                           who had been accustomed 
                                to live in their own. 
                                              [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #8]
                         My dread of receiving these sisters
                            was very great; 
                         I thought they would be a faction
                             banded together  against the sisters 
                         whom I might take thither, 
                             as it usually happens, 
                                          [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #12 ]

                    2. Because they had scarcely 
                         any means of subsistence, 
                        the place has hardly 
                           more than a thousand inhabitants, 
                        which would furnish but scanty help 
                           to those who have to live on alms: 
                        though the municipality did offer
                           to maintain them, 
                        I did not think that was to be relied on.
                                              [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #8]

                           and also 
                           because I saw no certain means 
                               of maintenance for them, 
                           for that which was offered 
                               was not such 
                           as I was bound to accept: 
                                          [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #12 ]
                           Regarding the revenues promised,
                             which included an endowment
                               from the Father, Doctor Ervlas,
                              St. Teresa wrote:
                            "This seemed to me very uncertain, 
                              for I thought 
                                  it might fail us 
                              after the foundation was made, 
                               yet with the little 
                                    which the sisters possessed 
                               it might be well enough"
                                          [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #11 ]
                    3. They had no house. 
                                              [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #8]
                    4. They were far away 
                           from the other monasteries. 
                                              [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #8]
                    And, though I was told 
                         they were very good, 
                    yet as I had not seen them 
                        I could not know 
                    whether they had those gifts 
                       which we claim for our monasteries, 
                    and so I made up my mind 
                         to a thorough refusal. 
                                             [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #8]
                    so I was in great doubt. 
                    Afterwards I saw 
                         it was the work of Satan, 
                    for, though our Lord
                         had given me courage, 
                    I was then so faint of heart 
                         that I seemed to have 
                         no trust in God at all. 
                    The prayers, however,  
                         of those blessed souls
                                          [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #12 ]
        ▪ St. Teresa considers the benefits  
                    of  founding the Convent
                       for the nuns themseves and 
                       for the community:
                         "the reason 
                           why I answered favourably before 
                               was the fear I had 
                         (that) I might be hindering 
                               the progress of some souls, 
                         for my desire ever is 
                           - to help in any way 
                               to advance the glory of our Lord 
                           -  to increase the number 
                                   of  His servants — 
                                       [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #13 ]
                     She recalls when the founding 
                           of new monasteries was forbidden: 
                         "and that was the greatest trouble 
                             I had to bear... 
                         for to give up helping 
                            in the furtherance of this work, 
                         which I saw clearly was for
                             - the service of our Lord 
                             - the advancement of our Order
                                         [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #2 ]
           ◦ She seeks Consultation and would obey
                rather than rely on her own will

                      "...I must first speak
                           to my confessor, 
                        the Doctor Velasquez
                          canon and professor in Toledo...        
                          for I am in the habit 
                             of never doing anything 
                                    of my own will, 
                             but only at the will of persons 
                                    such as he is. 
                          ...he bade me not to refuse...
                          for if God made so many hearts agree 
                               together on a thing 
                          it was plain 
                              He intended to be served thereby.  
                                             [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #9 ]
                         " 1576...
                          She confesses in Toledo 
                             to Dr Velasquez"
                                  [ Foundations: Introduction:
                                         Annals of the Saint's Life" ]
           ▪ St. Teresa prays to know God's will

                      "One day after communion, 
                        while I was commending 
                               the matter to God, 
                        as I was often doing...
                       His Majesty rebuked me severely, 
                        'Where was the treasury 
                           that supplied the means 
                           for the foundations already made ?'
                        I was to accept the house 
                           without any misgiving: 
                       it would be greatly 
                          to His honour and
                          the progress of souls
                       So mighty are the words of God, 
                            not only enter the understanding
                            but also enlighten it to
                               - see the truth 
                               - make the will ready to act: 
                         so it was with me, 
                         for I was 
                          not only glad to accept the monastery, 
                          but felt that I had been to blame for
                                 holding back so long, 
                                 clinging so much 
                                       to human considerations, 
                          seeing that His Majesty 
                                had done so much
                          for our holy (Carmelite) Order
                                in ways undiscoverable by reason. 
                                          [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #13 ]
        ▪  St. Teresa agrees to the foundation

                        "Having resolved 
                                 to accept the foundation, 
                          ...thinking I should please our Lord 
                                 by going, 
                         I wrote to the superior in order
                               that he might command 
                         as he should judge best. 
                                         [ Foundations: Ch. 28: #14]  
                         "25th Nov. ( 1579 )
                              She reaches Malagon... 
                           She consents to make the foundation
                               in Villanueva de la Jara."
                                     [ Foundations: Introduction:
                                         Annals of the Saint's Life" ]


  Plans and  Preparations 

       ▪ Legal,  Financial, and Material support

                     "Doctor Agustin Ervias...            
                          as parish priest of Villanueva,
                       undertook to make 
                           the necessary arrangements 
                                with the municipality 
                                with Saint Teresa 
                           for the new community 
                              to be aggregated to her convents..."
                                                    [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                             Foot note #14 ]

                      "the two fathers, 
                        ... the municipality, 
                           ... they bound themselves
                           to furnish whatever was necessary
                           Doctor Ervlas, too, 
                                undertaking to perform 
                            what I spoke of before." 
                                          [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #12 ]

                            "Doctor Ervias would endow it..."
                                     [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #10 ]

                           Later, on the way to Villanueva 
                            at their arrival at the monastery of  
                            Our Lady of  Succour, La Roda
                          where Fr. Gabriel of the Assumption 
                               was the Prior, St. Teresa wrote:
                            "The friars there gave us 
                               some of the furniture 
                             of their church 
                                for use in that 
                              which we were going to found" 
                                           [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #28 ]

     ▪  The License 
                           "The superior, Fray Angel de Salazar  
                               ..sent the licence 
                                  for the foundation"
                                      [ Foundations: Ch. 28: #14] 
                          "1580   ( 1/28/80 )
                       Fray Angel de Salazar 
                                    had sent the permission 
                              ....   28th January"
                                                [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                              Foot note #21 ]
                          "Fra Angel de Salazar, 
                                28th Jan. 
                            gives the Saint authority 
                                to make the foundation 
                                 in Villanueva
                                      [ Foundations: Introduction:
                                         Annals of the Saint's Life" ]
     ▪ Selection of the Prioress and the Nuns
               for the Foundation 
                           Fray Angel de Salazar 
                           " order for me 
                                to go there myself, 
                                to take with me 
                                     the nuns I preferred,        [21]
                           which made me very anxious 
                            because they would have to live
                            with those who were there already."
                                          [ Foundations: Ch. 28: #14] 
                          "Having resolved 
                              to accept the foundation, 
                           I thought it right 
                              to go thither myself 
                           with the nuns 
                              who were to remain there" 
                                         [ Foundations: Ch. 28: #14] 
                          "Earnestly commending the matter
                                to our Lord, 
                           I took 
                              - two nuns out of the monastery
                                   of S. Joseph in Toledo, 
                                   one of whom was to be prioress,

                               - two out of that at Malagon,
                                    one to be sub-prioress; 
                            and, as we had prayed so much 
                                    to our Lord, 
                            the choice could not 
                                    have been better..."          [22] 
                                     [ Foundations: Ch. 28: #14] 

                           "The Saint had a general procession 
                                in the monastery 
                             to obtain light for the purpose 
                                of choosing the nuns. 
                            With the Sister Elvira
                                she took Anne of S. Augustine
                             and then, going with them and 
                                Anne of S. Bartholomew
                                 together with the friars 
                                  who came for her, to Toledo, 
                                she took from that monastery 
                                    Maria of the Martyrs 
                                whom she appointed prioress 
                                —not Anne of the Mother of God, 
                                     as Ribera relates — 
                                and Constance of the Cross"       
                                                  [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                             Foot note #22 ]
                                The Saint,  writing...
                                    (on) 1st February 1580, 
                                 that she meant to take with her 
                                    as sub-prioress
                                 Elvira of San Angelo
                                    professed in Malagon"
                                                   [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                           Foot note #21 ]
  Journey to and arrival at Villaneuva de la Jara
        ▪ It appears that St. Teresa traveled with
                From Malagon:
                       Elvira of San Angelo,
                                       as sub-prioress,  
                       Anne of S. Augustine
                       Anne of S. Bartholomew
                               They traveled first to Toledo with
                                Fray Antonio of Jesus    
                                Fray Gabriel of the Assumption 

                 From Toledo:
                       Maria of the Martyrs 
                                whom she appointed prioress                      
                       Constance of the Cross"       
                                            [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                #15 and Foot note #22 ]
           Later  on arrival at Villaneuva, she refers to 
                 "us seven poor Discalced nuns 
                    who were there. 
                                  [ Foundation: Ch. 28: # 33]
      ▪  Departure from Malagon to Toledo
                          "....we left Malagon 
                            on the Saturday before Lent, 
                                13th February 1580
                                      [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #15 ]
                          "The father Fray Antonio of Jesus 
                                    and the father prior 
                           Fray Gabriel of the Assumption 
                                    came to fetch us.         [23]
                                          [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #15 ]

                          "12th February  1580...
                            the two friars were come
                                  that day to Malagon,  and 
                            that they had brought with them 
                                  a carriage and a cart." 
                                      [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                               Foot note #23 ]
       ▪ From Toledo, they then journeyed 
            to the monastery of La Roda,
                      of our Lady of  Succour,        
            which is three leagues from Villanueva"
            of which, Fray Gabriel of the Assumption 
                     was the prior.
                              "and halt there to give warning 
                                   of our  arrival"
                                         [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #17 ]
                                   "One day after Communion 
                                        in that hallowed church 
                                   I became profoundly recollected 
                                    In that trance 
                                    I saw the holy woman 
                                     (Dona Catalina de Cardona) 
                                         by an intellectual vision...

                                    she told me not to grow faint,
                                     but strive to go on 
                                           with these foundations.

                                    I understand thereby...                                     
                                     that she helped me before God. 

                                     and I hope, 
                                     in the goodness of our Lord,
                                     that,  with such good help 
                                          as her prayers are,
                                     I may be able to serve Him
                                          in some measure. 
                                           [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #30 ]
      Arrival   at  Villanueva de la Jara
                 21st February 1580.  

                          "On the first Sunday in Lent     [45] 
                              we reached Villanueva de la Jara". 
                                          [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #31 ]

                            "21 St February 1580"
                                                  [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                             Foot note #45 ]
                            "it was the eve of  the feast 
                                  of the Chair of S. Peter, and 
                              the feast of  S. Barbatian, 1580"
                                         [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #31 ]
The Carmelite Foundation  is established
           at the Hermitage of St. Anne 
           at  Villanueva de la Jara
                 21st February 1580

                          "February 21 (1580)
                            Foundation of the Convent 
                                 at Villanueva de la Jara"
                                    [ Foundations: Introduction:
                                         Annals of the Saint's Life" ]

                            "On that very day 
                              the Most Holy Sacrament 
                                was brought into the  
                              Church of the Glorious S. Anne 
                                 at the time of High Mass. 
                              The whole municipality and 
                                certain others with Doctor Ervias"                              
                                           [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #31 ]

                              "The joy of the people was so great
                        receiving the Order 
                               of the Most Holy Virgin our Lady. 
                               ...they carried 
                                 the Most Holy Sacrament 
                                      on a bier, 
                                 and on another our Lady, 
                                     with crosses and banners. 
                                 The procession moved on 
                                     in great pomp; 
                                 we,  and    
                                  our barefooted friars,  
                                    (from the monastery of
                                     our Lady of Succour, La Roda)
                                 the Franciscans
                                      — for there is a monastery 
                                       of S. Francis there —        
                                  and a Dominican 
                                       who was in the place..." 
                                           [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #32 ]
         The 9 holy women receive the nuns
               into their house at the Hermitage of St Anne
                          "When we entered the house
                           they were standing at the door within
                           They received us 
                               with tears of  great joy"
                                        [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #35 

                          After  meeting them,  
                                  St. Teresa wrote:
                          "It is true the sisters 
                               who were already there 
                           had been in trouble 
                                for nearly six years 

                           ...since they went into this house 
                                of the glorious S. Anne. 
                          .... their poverty and toil 
                                 in earning their food, 
                           for they never would ask alms; 
                               the reason of that was 
                                    that they would not
                               have their neighbours think 
                                    they were there to be supported 
                               by them
                           their great penance, 
                           their long fasts, 
                           their scanty food, 
                           their hard beds, 
                           the small house, 
                           the strict enclosure 
                             they always observed, 
                           was hard enough to bear. 
                        What was hardest to bear... 
                            was the earnest longing they had 
                                   to put on the habit
                         and which 
                            was a most grievous torment 
                                   to them night and day, 
                         for they thought 
                            they were never to wear it; 
                       and accordingly
                          their constant prayer
                       and that most frequently with tears, 
                          was that God would bestow 
                       that grace upon them
                       They stinted themselves in their food, 
                           that out of their earnings
                        they might have the means 
                           of  paying the messengers 
                        who came to me
                       I see clearly myself 
                          ever since I conversed with them 
                       and saw  how saintly they were
                       that they must have obtained 
                           their admission into the order
                       by their prayers and tears, 
                       and so I looked  on the possession 
                           of such souls as these 
                       as a much greater treasure 
                           than a rich endowment, 
                       and my hope is 
                            the house will prosper greatly."
                                         [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #34 ]
                       "each of them dressed as usual... 
                            and would never put on 
                         the habit of beatas, 
                            hoping for  ours;  
                       ...they had been living 
                            a most penitential life. 
                       Their great virtue shone forth 
                           in their joy, 
                           in their humility, 
                           in their obedience 
                               to the prioress and 
                               to all those 
                                who came to make the foundation
                          All the fear they had 
                              was lest the nuns should go back 
                          when they saw 
                              their poverty and 
                              the smallness of the house."
                                           [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #35 ]
                         St. Teresa said of these women:
                         "The effect on me 
                          was to make me 
                               give thanks to our Lord, 
                           the more I  conversed with them 
                           the more glad I was 
                               that I had come. 
                            I  believe that, 
                            whatever difficulties I might have 
                               had to undergo, 
                            I should not have shrunk from them
                               to bring consolation to these souls.         
                          Those of my companions, 
                              who remained,
                          told me 
                         that in the beginning, 
                              during the first days, 
                          they were conscious 
                               of a certain unwillingness 
                          to live with them, 
                        but that when they came 
                              to know them, 
                        and saw how good they were, 
                             they were very glad to stay, 
                        and conceived 
                             a great affection for them. 
                        Sanctity and goodness 
                              can do great things."
                                         [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #36 ]

                       "The truth is, 
                              those who came with me 
                                    were so good 
                          that, even if they met 
                               with many difficulties and trials, 
                             they would have borne all nobly 
                                by the grace of our Lord, 
                              for they desire to suffer  
                                in His service
                                           [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #37 ]
The 9 holy women receive the Carmelite Habit
                          "25th February (1580)
                           The devout ladies there 
                                waiting for her,
                            receive the habit, 25th February"
                                      [ Foundations: Introduction:
                                         Annals of the Saint's Life" ]

                         "On the feast of S. Mathias, 
                               25th February
                           the Saint gave the habit 
                              to the nine women             
                           who had shut themselves up 
                               in the hermitage of S. Anne. 
                           The sermon on the occasion 
                               was preached 
                            by Fray Antonio of Jesus
                                                    [ Foundation: Ch. 28: 
                                                             Foot note #49 ]

  St. Teresa's Instruction to her nuns:

    ▪ Reasons for and  Benefits of  her writing
            In addition to writing in obedience 
              to the directions of her superiors,
            St. Teresa wants the writings to inspire:

                 -  Praise and Thankfulness to God 
                 -  Rememberance and Appreciation  
                      for those who labored and suffered
                      for the establishment and maintenance
                            of these Foundations.
                 -  Prayers for them. 
                 -  All to diligently resolve to profit by this
                      Carmelite legacy and  opportunity  
                            to "progress in perfection".
                 -  The emulation of those Carmelite predecessors
                       as models of  Humility, Detachment,
                     Obedience, Perseverance, and all Virtues

         ◦   Her writing regarding  the difficulties 
                 that the Carmelites suffered
                        "I do but touch the matter, 
                            that the nuns 
                                 who shall come after us 
                              may know how great 
                                 are their obligations 
                              to make progress in perfection

                           when they find
                              that (which is) made easy to them 
                            has cost so much to us 
                              who are now alive."
                                          [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #4 ]

                      Here she is referring to 
                            Fray Pedro Fernandez
                       and others who supported the
                            foundations of the primitive rule:

                        "We are under very great obligations, 
                              my sisters, all of us, 
                            to remember him 
                              in our prayers to our Lord
                             together with those                             
                               who undertook 
                                   His (God's) cause and 
                                   that of our Lady the Virgin, 
                               and so I earnestly recommend you
                                    to do so. 
                               You will understand now...
                                what opportunity there was 
                                      for making foundations; 
                                we were all intent 
                                      on prayer and penance
                                             without ceasing, 
                                begging God to prosper 
                                      our foundations already made, 
                               if they were for His service. 
                                          [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #6 ]

        ▪  Her writing regarding the new Foundation
                         "I have given you 
                                at such length 
                          this account of the honour done 
                                 to the habit of our Lady, 
                          that you may 
                            - give thanks to our Lord and 
                            - beseech Him to make use 
                                   of this foundation, 
                          for I have a greater joy 
                             when a foundation is made 
                          under persecution and with trouble" 
                                          [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #33 ]

                          The procession...
                          -  was all in praise 
                               of the great God there present, 
                          - that so much was done 
                               for us seven poor Discalced nuns 
                             who were there. 
                          when I reflected upon it 
                             I was filled with confusion,
                             - that I was among them, and 
                             - that everyone there ought to have 
                                     turned against me 
                                if  they would but have treated me 
                                     as I deserve. 
                                          [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #33 ]
                      Regarding Dona Catalina de Cardona,
                         St. Teresa said: 
                           "Let us strive now 
                                for the love of our Lord, 
                             to follow this our sister:
                                 hating ourselves 
                                       as she hated herself, 
                             we shall finish our journey, 
                             for everything 
                                passes rapidly away 
                                 comes to an end."
                                       [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #30 ]
                            "the monastery (she) founded         
                                has been of so much advantage 
                                     to many souls 
                                in the country round about. 
                              I do so that you, my sisters, 
                                beholding the penance 
                                     done by this saint, 
                              - may see how far 
                                     we are behind her, 
                             - make efforts to serve our Lord 
                                     with renewed courage; 
                             for there is no reason why
                                  we should do less 
                                      than she did"
                             [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #18 ]

                               "the great work of God 
                                   wrought in His saints, 
                                        men and women,
                                  who serve Him in the deserts, 
                                        is almost forgotten, 
                                           [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #19 ]
   ▪  Trust in God and Courage

                          "my wickedness and weakness 
                               have put me very often  
                                    in fear and doubt, 
                           but I cannot call 
                                to mind any occasion...                            
                           in which, 
                                of His mere compassion,
                           He did not enable me by His grace 
                                to overcome these temptations, 
                                to venture upon that, 
                            however difficult it might be, 
                                which I understood to be 
                                for His greater glory.
                           I see clearly that 
                             what I did myself 
                                   was very little, 
                           but God asks no more 
                              than a resolution of this kind 
                          to do everything Himself." 
                                          [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #16 ]

                         "how important it is for us 
                            never to think of our own infirmities 
                         when we are employed 
                            in the service of our Lord, 

                         whatever the difficulties before us 
                               may be, 
                         seeing that He is able to make 
                               the weak strong and
                               the sickly healthy; 
                         should He not do so 
                         it will be better for our soul 
                            if we suffer and forget ourselves 
                         with our eyes fixed 
                             on His honour and glory. 
                        Why are life and health given to us 
                             but to be lost for 
                         so grand a King and Lord ? 

                         no harm will ever befall you 
                             if you travel on this road."
                                          [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #15 ]

                        "His Majesty never fails 
                             to further true desires to their end"
                                        [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #19 ]

       ▪ The aim of our desires:

                       "the aim of our desires must be, 
                            not rest 
                            but suffering,
                         that we may in some measure 
                            be like unto Him
                         our true Bridegroom. 

                         ...that sister 
                            who does not feel this desire 
                         must not look upon herself 
                            as a true Carmelite nun, 

                        for they desire 
                            to suffer in His service...
                        by the grace of our Lord"
                                         [ Foundation: Ch. 28: #37 ]


             End of  the Discussion 
                   of Chapter 28 
                         of the 
            Book of the Foundations
                of S. Teresa of Jesus 
      of the Order of our Lady of Carmel 