of S. Teresa of Jesus
of the Order of our Lady of Carmel
Discussion of Chapter 18
Chapter 18 Contents
- Of The Foundation Of The Monastery
Of S. Joseph At Salamanca,
In The Year 1570.
- Treats Of Some Important Counsels
For Prioresses
1. The Saint is invited to Salamanca.—
2. Hires a house. —
3. Leaves Avila for Salamanca. —
4. Laboriousncss of the Saint. —
5. Increased joy of the nuns. —
6. Strictness of the Carmelite rule. —
7. Indiscreet zeal of prioresses. —
8. Discretion necessary. —
9. Spiritual and intellectual gifts. —
10. Nuns not to be driven
towards perfection. —
11. Imperfections to be borne with. —
12. The prioresses to be cautious
in tasking the obedience of the nuns. —
13. Simple obedience of a nun. —
14. Another instance.
The aboveDrawing is from:
"St Teresa of Jesus of the Order of Our Lady of Mt Carmel
embracing The Life , Relations, Maxims, and Foundations"
Edited by John J. Burke, C.S.P.
from www.books.google.com]
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Discussion of Chapter 18
▀ Envisioning a Foundation for Salamanca
▀ The Difficulties faced;
The Benefits to be achieved
▀ The Founding of The Monastery of St. Joseph
at Salamanca on November 1, 1570.
▀ Counsels for Prioresses
▀ Envisioning a Foundation for Salamanca
Unike, many of the other foundations,
Malagon, Durueo, Valladolid, Toledo, and Pastrana,
regarding which we have been reading,
this convent did not begin with a donation of
funds or property.
St. Teresa writes that:
"a rector of the Society of Jesus (Jesuit)
[ Martin Gutierrez - foot note # 4]
in Salamanca
wrote to me to say that
- a monastery of our order
would be most useful there...
- giving me reasons for thinking so"
She doesn't provide these reasons.
We know, Salamanca was a "university city",
much like the prestigious academic centers
of Oxford in England, Paris in France
and Bolognia in Italy.
We know from her description,
that Salamanca was very poor.
"I had been hitherto kept back
from founding a house in poverty there,
because the place was very poor.
[ Foundations: Ch. 18: #1]
"The inhabitants of Salamanca
supported themselves chiefly
by providing board and lodging
for the students".
[ Foundations: Ch. 18: Footnote #5]
▀ The Difficulties faced; The Benefits achieved
She describes some of the obstaces and opposition,
which she had to face at Salamanca:
But these were diminished
by the benefits of the foundation:
The Difficulties:
▪ Poverty
"But, considering
- that Avila is quite as poor,
- that God
never abandons,
nor ever will...abandon anyone
who serves Him,
I determined to make the foundation..."
[ Foundations: Ch. 18: #1]
▪ Opposition
"...what the devil does
to embarrass one of these monasteries.
Though God did not suffer him
to molest this at the first,
because He would have it founded,
yet afterwards
the trouble and the opposition
we met with
were so great..."
[ Foundations: Ch. 18: #2]
▪ Sickness
"being myself, very unwell.
[ Foundations: Ch. 18: #3]
"again I had sicknesses and fever;
...but I saw clearly
that our Lord was giving me strength.
...while occupied in these foundations,
to find myself
amidst such pains and sufferings..."
I could have done nothing
but lie down on my bed...
complaining to His Majesty...
asking Him
how it was
that He would have me
do what was beyond my power.
His Majesty would then
give me strength,
not without suff'ering however,
[ Foundations: Ch. 18: #4]
▪ Difficulty of travel
"the great hardships
of travelling in cold, heat, and snow.
"Once it snowed
the wholeday long,
at other times we missed our road..."
[ Foundations: Ch. 18: #4]
"I never refrained
from making a foundation
through fear of trouble,
[ Foundations: Ch. 18: #4]
▪ The Praise and Honor given to God
"but when I had once started,
I thought nothing of them (the difficulties)
- looking to Him
in whose service
they were undertaken,
- calling to mind
that our Lord would be praised,
that the Most Holy Sacrament
would dwell in the house
I was going to found..."
"I know of no trouble,
however great it may be,
that should be dreaded
when it is the condition of obtaining;
so great a good for Christendom;
a great consolation to us...
that Jesus Christ,
true God and true man,
dwells, as He does,
in so many places
in the Most Holy Sacrament".
[ Foundations: Ch. 18: #4]
"and so I believe
that God is greatly pleased with it,
seeing that Satan cannot endure it."
[ Foundations: Ch. 18: #2]
▪ The Spiritual Advancement of the Nuns
"these souls,
so pure,
intent on the praises of God,
- their obedience and happiness, which
so strict an enclosure
supply them,
- their cheertulness
when they have any opportunity
of mortifying themselves.
[ Foundations: Ch. 18: #5]
▀ The Founding of the Monastery of St. Joseph,
She obtained permission from the Bishop
with the help of that Father Rector,
Martin Gutierrez.
[ Foundations: Ch. 18: #1]
Little detail is given in this chapter
regarding the description of the house
but the next chapter continues the account.
Here, she does say
that she hired a house
which was occupied by students and
that she made her arrangements "in secrecy"
to avoid opposition,
"...relying on the mercy of God"
[ Foundations: Ch. 18: #2, 3]
"The house belonged to
Gonzao Yanez de Ovalle"
[ Foundations: Ch. 18: Foot note #7]
"We arrived on the eve of All Saints"
[ Foundations: Ch. 18: #3]
"in the latter end of October.
Her companion was
Mary of the Blessed Sacrament,
(Mary Suarez),
[ Foundations: Ch. 18:Foot note #8]
The Monastery of St. Joseph,
the 7th convent for Discalced Carmelite Nuns
was founded at Salamanca
on November 1, 1570.
[ Foundation: Introduction]
█ Counsels for Prioresses
▀ To Lead nuns
according to the Rule or Constitution
rather than by the Prioress's proclivities or Interest
▀ "The prioresses have to watch...over
the interior state and
the outward demeanour
of their subjects.
▀ "Discretion is a great thing in government,
and exceedingly necessary...
it is a very important thing
to have discretion and
to understand dispositions..."
▀ "Our Lord leads souls onwards
by different roads"
▀ Advise on the Subject of Mortification
Blog Appendix for Chapter 18
End of the Discussion
of Chapter 18
of the
Book of the Foundations
of S. Teresa of Jesus
of the Order of our Lady of Carmel