Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Book of the Foundations - Discussion of Chapter 1 - St. Teresa of Avila - Teresa of Jesus

Discussion of Chapter 1 
           of the 
Book of the Foundations
    Question/Answer Format

 Here beginneth 
 the Foundation of S. Joseph
 of the Carmel of Medina del Campo 
           CHAPTER I 
 1. Praise of the Monastery of S. Joseph, Avila. — 
 2. Obedience of the  nuns. — 
 3. Faith of one of the nuns. — 
 4. The love of solitude. — 
 5. The Saint's longing. — 
 6. Fray A. Maldonado. — 
 7. A Divine locution. 


Discussion of Chapter 1 
St. Teresa describes the virtues of the nuns 
    of  the  Monastery of St. Joseph
     Poverty of  Spirit
She talks about the detachment of the nuns 
    from material good, 
    and even  from necessities, 
        when they were temporarily scarce.
When food was scarce
    St. Teresa said to her nuns 
  that what they did have 
    would be provided to "those who wanted it most".
         "And if now and then 
           there was not sufficient food 
               for us all, 
           on my saying 
               that what we had 
           was for those who wanted it most
           not one of them would think 
               that she was in need" 
           and so it remained 
              till God sent enough for all"
                   [ Foundations: Ch1; #1 ]
Although many of the  nuns-to-be  
     appeared worldly 
when they first entered the Monastery,
     their prayers and efforts, 
with the help of God,
    led them to grow in detachment and virtue.
            "young persons...
             whom the world...had already made its own,
     it seemed...
                if we might judge of them 
              by their outward manners and dress. 
             Our Lord very quickly 
               - set them free from their vanities
               - drew them into His own house, and 
               - endowed them with a perfection so great"
              "...whose only anxiety was 
                  to praise and serve our Lord".
                       [ Foundations: Ch1; #1 ]
              "- the graces, 
                - the high desires, 
                - detachment 
               which our Lord gave them, 
                  were exceedingly great. 
                      [ Foundations: Ch1; #4 ]
  Faith in the Providence of God
She also speaks of  their  Faith and confidence
    in the Providence of God:
         " not remember 
           that I ever had any thoughts 
               about our necessities, 
          for I was persuaded
               that our Lord would never fail those 
          who had no other care 
               but that of pleasing Him"
                    [ Foundations: Ch1; #1 ]
 St. Teresa gave a specific example 
     of  the faith of  the nuns
 when, against the advise of experts,
     they proceeded to have a defunct well repaired:
          "Our Lord must find some one to 
              - supply us with water and 
              - give us wherewithal to support him"
          "Considering the great faith and resolution 
              with which she (one of the nuns)  said this,  
               - took it for granted 
                     it would be so, 
               - had the work done, 
                     against the will of the well-sinker, 
                 who had experience of water. 
                 Our Lord was pleased, 
                     and we have a flow of water..."
                         [ Foundations: Ch1; #3 ]
 She describes the peacefullness and confidence 
    that comes from obedience:
            "The fact that she was 
                 acting under obedience 
              made her natural reason blind, 
                 so that she believed 
              that what she did was perfectly right. 
 She describes how a nun's  obedience 
      supported her acceptance and endeavors
   of  multiple directive 
      despite contradictory demands:
              I happened also 
                 to charge another 
              with six or seven offices
                 inconsistent with each other, 
              all of which she accepted 
                 without saying a word, 
              thinking it possible 
                 for her to discharge them".
                     [ Foundations: Ch1; #2 ]
  She seems to be describing that with obedience,
      the nun can proceed with the task with love
  without conflict or worry 
      regard the outcome or method. 
  Love of Solitude 
        with God in prayer

                "Their joy was in being  alone"
                   [ Foundations: Ch1; #4 ]
   Zeal for souls 
          that souls may receive graces from God
  St. Teresa marveled at the nun's 
      courage and virtue.
 She felt that the sacrifices and services 
      that they offered to God, with His help and graces,
 would make them instruments for His work.
                "that it was for some great end 
                    that He gave them this wealth"
                "when thinking 
                      - of the great worth of  these souls, 
                      - of the great courage... 
                      which God gave them
                       that they might 
                       - bear suffering 
                       - serve Him,
                  it would often strike me
                       that it was for some great end 
                       that He gave them this wealth".
 She explains that her own desires 
     to help souls proceed or return to God, increased 
and also this became the desire of her nuns.
                  "my desires to do something 
                      for the good of some soul or other 
                   grew more and more, 
                    ...often I looked on myself  
                       as on one 
                       - having great treasures in her keeping, 
                           wished all to have the benefit of it, 
                       - but whose hands were restrained 
                           from distributing it. 
                    ...I waited on our Lord always 
                         with my poor prayers, 
                   and got my sisters 
                         to do the same, 
                         to have a zeal 
                                for the good of souls, and 
                                for the increase of the Church
                  they always edified every one 
                     who conversed with them, 
                   and herein 
                      my great longings were satisfied."
                              [ Foundations: Ch1; #5 ]
St. Teresa also spoke in this regard  
     of Father  A. Maldonado
who had "the same desires
     that I had for the good of souls".
By his work in the missions, 
    he described first hand
 the need of  souls  for assistance:
                "He was able 
                     to carry his (desires)into effect, 
                  He had just returned from the Indies"
 St. Teresa desired to do such works too
    for the progression of souls:

                "for which I envied him enough. 
                  I envied very much those 
                      who for the love of our Lord 
                  could employ themselves
                      in this work for souls...
                 Thus, when I am reading 
                      in the lives of the saints 
                  how they converted souls, 
                       I have 
                            more devotion, 
                            more tenderness and envy, 
                 than when I read all the pains 
                       of martyrdom they underwent; 
                 for this is an attraction 
                       which our Lord has given me".
Ultimately, through prayer and the help of God,
   she  realized and concluded
 that what they were able to do 
   according to their  religious vocation
 in the cloistered monastery,
   rather than yearn 
for a different missionary vocation:
      -- By their  own "prayer and labor" 
  when offered for the benefit of souls,
  would please God more than other service.
                 "I was so distressed 
                   because so many souls were perishing

                  I...cried unto our  Lord, 
                  beseeching Him to show me,          
                     - how I might do something 
                        to gain a soul for His service
                     - how I might do something by prayer 
                          now that I could do nothing else"
 She concludes:   
                 "and I think He prizes one soul 
                     which of His mercy 
                  we have gained for Him 
                      by our prayer and labour
                   more than all the service 
                      we may render Him".
Likewise, Father Maldonado also advised 
  the nuns to participate in the work of assisting souls
in the ways available to them at their convent:
                   "He...(told) of the many millions 
                        of souls there perishing
                    through the want of  instruction,
                         and preached us a sermon  
                       encouraging us to do penance"
                          [ Foundations: Ch1; #6 ]

From The Way of Perfection Chapter 18
"the Lord 
       - knows everyone 
              as he really is and 
      - gives each his work to do--
           according to what He sees 
               to be most fitting 
                    for his soul, and 
                    for His own Self, and 
                    for the good of his neighbour".


 From The Interior Castle 
 7th mansion 
 Chapter 4  (Martha and Mary)
 Paragraph 21. Can we lead souls to God? 
 Paragraph 22. How to do so. 
 Paragraph 23. Love gives value to our deeds.
 Paragraph 21. Can we lead souls to God? 
 Secondly, you may say
  - that you have 
      neither the power 
      nor the means 
    to lead souls to God; 
 - though you would willingly do so, 
    you do not know how, 
  as you can neither teach nor preach 
     as did the Apostles. 
 ...the difficulty probably often crosses your minds 
 on account of the desires 
  our Lord gives you of serving Him...
  the devil frequently fills our thoughts 
    with great schemes, 
 so that instead of putting our hands 
    to what work we can do to serve our Lord, 
 we may rest satisfied with wishing 
    to perform impossibilities.
 Paragraph 22. How to do so
 You can do much by prayer
 and then, 
   - do not try to help the whole world, 
   - but principally your companions; 
 this work will be all the better 
   because you are the more bound to it. 
 Do you think it is a trifling matter  
         your humility and mortification, 
         your readiness to serve your sisters, 
         your fervent charity towards them, and 
         your love of God, 
      should be as a fire to enkindle their zeal, 
   that you should constantly incite them 
         to practise the other virtues? 
 This would be a great work 
 one most pleasing to our Lord: 
 by thus doing all that is in your power
   you would prove to His Majesty 
 your willingness to do still more 
 He would reward you 
   as if you had won Him many souls. 
 Do you answer: 
’This would not be converting my sisters, 
    for they are very good already?’ 
  What business is that of yours? 
 If they were still better,
   - the praise they render God 
          would please Him more 
   - their prayers would be more helpful 
          to their neighbours. 
 Paragraph 23.  Love gives value to our deeds.
 In short, my sisters, 
  I will conclude with this advice; 
   - do not build towers without a foundation
   for our Lord does not care so much 
            for the importance of our works 
   as for the love with which they are done
 When we do all we can
   His Majesty will enable us 
 to do more every day. 
 If we do not grow weary, 
    but during the brief time this life lasts 
                 (and perhaps it will be shorter
                  than any of you think) 
 we give our Lord every sacrifice we can, 
    both interior and exterior, 
 His Majesty will unite them 
    with that He offered to His Father 
            for us on the Cross 
     so that they may be worth the value 
           given them by our love
     however mean the works themselves may be.
 [ Translated by the Benedictines of Stanbrook
   Source: Christian Classics Ethereal Library


At the end of  chapter One,
  perhaps St. Teresa is hinting 
that she will soon relate 
  how a great opportunity for benefiting souls
did indeed become available to them 
  in their convent life. 
She wrote:
            "During this great distress 
                  I was one night in prayer, 
              when our Lord 
                  - appeared to me 
                         in His wonted manner, 
                  - shewed me great love, 
                         as if he wished to comfort; 
              He then said to me, 
                 'Wait a little, my child, 
                        and thou shalt see great things.' 
              Another six months went by... 
                  and then that happened 
              which I will now relate. 
                    [ Foundations: Ch1; #7]
  Question/Answer Format

 1).   What virtues of the nuns 
            of the Monastery of St. Joseph 
          did St. Teresa describe in chapter 1?

 2a). How did she describe the nuns'
            Poverty of Spirit/ Detachment?

 2b). How did they manage 
            when there was not sufficient food?

 3).   How did she describe the nuns'
            Faith in the Providence of  God?

 4).   How did she describe the nuns' Obedience? 

 5a). What was "The Saint's longing" ?

 5b). How did she describe the nuns'
            Zeal for the benefit  of souls?
 5c).  St. Teresa's zeal for souls gave her a holy envy
               of those who "could actively employ themselves
             in this work for souls".
          How did she resolve this holy envy?


1). What virtues of the nuns 
          of the Monastery of St. Joseph 
      did St. Teresa describe in chapter 1?
St. Teresa described the nuns' virtues of:

▪ Detachment /  Poverty of  Spirit

▪ Faith in the Providence of God

▪ Obedience

▪ Love of Solitude: with God in prayer

▪ Zeal for souls 
    that souls may return  or progress to God

2a).  How did she describe the nuns'
           Poverty of Spirit/ Detachment?
      In speaking of the nuns' detachment, she said:
             "Our Lord very quickly 
               - set them free from their vanities
               - drew them into His own house, and 
               - endowed them with a perfection so great"
             That they were not concerned 
                 with the goods and affairs of the world
              and that their "only anxiety was 
                  to praise and serve our Lord".
                       [ Foundations: Ch1; #1 ]
              "- the graces, 
                - the high desires
                - detachment 
               which our Lord gave them, 
                  were exceedingly great. 
                      [ Foundations: Ch1; #4 ]
2b). How did they manage 
         when there was not sufficient food?
When food was scarce
    St. Teresa said to her nuns 
that what they did have 
    would be provided 
to "those who wanted it most".
         "And if now and then 
           there was not sufficient food 
               for us all, 
           on my saying 
               that what we had 
           was for those who wanted it most
           not one of them would think 
               that she was in need" 
           and so it remained 
              till God sent enough for all"
                   [ Foundations: Ch1; #1 ]
3).  How did she describe the nuns'
           Faith in the Providence of  God?
         "I was persuaded
               that our Lord would never fail those 
          who had no other care 
               but that of pleasing Him"
                    [ Foundations: Ch1; #1 ]
 St. Teresa gave a specific example 
     of  the faith of  the nuns
 when, against the advise of experts,
     they proceeded to have a defunct well repaired:
          "Our Lord must find some one to 
              - supply us with water and 
              - give us wherewithal to support him"
          "Considering the great faith 
              and resolution 
            with which she (one of the nuns)  said this,  
               - took it for granted 
                     it would be so, 
               - had the work done, 
                     against the will of the well-sinker, 
                 who had experience of water. 
                 Our Lord was pleased, 
                     and we have a flow of water..."
                         [ Foundations: Ch1; #3 ]
4).  How did she describe the nuns' Obedience?
 She describes the peacefullness and confidence 
    that comes from obedience:
            "The fact that she was 
                 acting under obedience 
              made her natural reason blind, 
                 so that she believed 
              that what she did was perfectly right. 
 She describes how a nun's  obedience 
      supported her acceptance and endeavors
   of  multiple directive 
      despite contradictory demands:
              I happened also 
                 to charge another 
              with six or seven offices
                 inconsistent with each other, 
              all of which she accepted 
                 without saying a word, 
              thinking it possible 
                 for her to discharge them".
                     [ Foundations: Ch1; #2 ]
  She seems to be describing that with obedience,
      the nun can proceed with the task with love
  without conflict or worry 
      regard the outcome or method. 
5a).  What was "The Saint's longing" ?
The saint's longing was for 
       - the progression of  souls to God
       - return of souls to God
                 "my desires to do something 
                      for the good of some soul or other 
                  grew more and more, 
Even when she recognized the graces and favors
    which Our Lord bestowed on her,
she felt unable to "distribute" them 
    or benefit other souls by them:
                  ...often I looked on myself  
                       as on one 
                       - having great treasures in her keeping, 
                           wished all to have the benefit of it, 
                       - but whose hands were restrained 
                           from distributing it. 
                   ...I waited on our Lord always 
                         with my poor prayers"
 5b). How did she describe the nuns'
                 Zeal for the benefit  of souls?
  This zeal for souls was a virtue 
       which she also praised in her nuns.
                   "and got my sisters 
                         to do the same, 
                         to have a zeal 
                                for the good of souls, and 
                                for the increase of the Church
                  they always edified every one 
                     who conversed with them, 
                   and herein 
                      my great longings were satisfied."
                              [ Foundations: Ch1; #5 ]
5c).  St. Teresa's zeal for souls gave her a holy envy
         of those who "could actively employ themselves
           in this work for souls".
  How did she resolve this holy envy?
St. Teresa also spoke in this regard  
     of Father  A. Maldonado
who had "the same desires
     that I had for the good of souls".
By his work in the missions, 
    he described first hand
 the need of  souls  for assistance:
                "He was able 
                     to carry his (desires)into effect, 
                  He had just returned from the Indies"
 St. Teresa desired to do such works too
    for the progression of souls:

                "for which I envied him enough. 
                  I envied very much those 
                      who for the love of our Lord 
                  could employ themselves
                      in this work for souls...
                 Thus, when I am reading 
                      in the lives of the saints 
                  how they converted souls, 
                       I have 
                            more devotion, 
                            more tenderness and envy, 
                 than when I read all the pains 
                       of martyrdom they underwent; 
                 for this is an attraction 
                       which our Lord has given me".
[ She said
   that one should do what they can do with love
    in their  vocation / where they are situated
  that Love gives value to our deeds. ]

Ultimately, through prayer and the help of God,
   she  realized and concluded
 that what they were able to do 
   according to their  religious vocation
 in the cloistered monastery,
   rather than yearn 
for a different missionary vocation:
      -- By their  own "prayer and labor" 
  when offered for the benefit of souls,
  would please God more than other service.
                 "I was so distressed 
                   because so many souls were perishing

                  I...cried unto our  Lord, 
                  beseeching Him to show me,          
                     - how I might do something 
                        to gain a soul for His service
                     - how I might do something by prayer 
                          now that I could do nothing else"
 She concludes:   
                 "and I think He prizes one soul 
                     which of His mercy 
                  we have gained for Him 
                      by our prayer and labour
                   more than all the service 
                      we may render Him".
Likewise, Father Maldonado also advised 
  the nuns to participate in the work of assisting souls
in the ways available to them in their vocation
  at their convent:
                   "He...(told) of the many millions 
                        of souls there perishing
                    through the want of  instruction,
                         and preached us a sermon  
                       encouraging us to do penance"
                          [ Foundations: Ch1; #6 ]
 From The Way of Perfection Chapter 18
 "the Lord 
       - knows everyone 
              as he really is and 
      - gives each his work to do--
           according to what He sees 
               to be most fitting 
                    for his soul, and 
                    for His own Self, and 
                    for the good of his neighbour".


 From The Interior Castle 
 7th mansion 
 Chapter 4  (Martha and Mary)
 Paragraph 21. Can we lead souls to God? 
 Paragraph 22. How to do so. 
 Paragraph 23. Love gives value to our deeds.
 Paragraph 21. Can we lead souls to God? 
 Secondly, you may say
  - that you have 
      neither the power 
      nor the means 
    to lead souls to God; 
 - though you would willingly do so, 
    you do not know how, 
  as you can neither teach nor preach 
     as did the Apostles. 
 ...the difficulty probably often crosses your minds 
 on account of the desires 
  our Lord gives you of serving Him...
  the devil frequently fills our thoughts 
    with great schemes, 
 so that instead of putting our hands 
    to what work we can do to serve our Lord, 
 we may rest satisfied with wishing 
    to perform impossibilities.
 Paragraph 22. How to do so
 You can do much by prayer
 and then, 
   - do not try to help the whole world, 
   - but principally your companions; 
 this work will be all the better 
   because you are the more bound to it. 
 Do you think it is a trifling matter  
         your humility and mortification, 
         your readiness to serve your sisters, 
         your fervent charity towards them, and 
         your love of God, 
      should be as a fire to enkindle their zeal, 
   that you should constantly incite them 
         to practise the other virtues? 
 This would be a great work 
 one most pleasing to our Lord: 
 by thus doing all that is in your power
   you would prove to His Majesty 
 your willingness to do still more 
 He would reward you 
   as if you had won Him many souls. 
 Do you answer: 
’This would not be converting my sisters, 
    for they are very good already?’ 
  What business is that of yours? 
 If they were still better,
   - the praise they render God 
          would please Him more 
   - their prayers would be more helpful 
          to their neighbours. 
 Paragraph 23.  Love gives value to our deeds.
 In short, my sisters, 
  I will conclude with this advice; 
   - do not build towers without a foundation
   for our Lord does not care so much 
            for the importance of our works 
   as for the love with which they are done
 When we do all we can
   His Majesty will enable us 
 to do more every day. 
 If we do not grow weary, 
    but during the brief time this life lasts 
                 (and perhaps it will be shorter
                  than any of you think) 
 we give our Lord every sacrifice we can, 
    both interior and exterior, 
 His Majesty will unite them 
    with that He offered to His Father 
            for us on the Cross 
     so that they may be worth the value 
           given them by our love
     however mean the works themselves may be.
 [ Translated by the Benedictines of Stanbrook
   Source: Christian Classics Ethereal Library


       End of  the Discussion 
           of Chapter 1
                of the 
    Book of the Foundations    